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26 February 2017

Big Pharma conspiring to take

BREAKING: Big Pharma conspiring to take this memory boosting ingredient off the market... Not because it's unsafe or ineffective... in fact, it's just the opposite.

According to our sources, this supplement may be developed into a prescription drug! For the time being, it's still available in supplement form.

In fact, it's one of the foundational ingredients in Dr. Mark Stengler's powerful memory-boosting formula, CogniSense...

Which is why we're making CogniSense available for 50% OFF the retail price for as long as it's available!

Soon you'll need a doctor's prescription to get your hands on this brain-booster... don't miss this last chance!

How to prevent a killer cancer

Ladies, there's a killer cancer out there that strikes more than 1,000 American women every week.

But odds are, you've never spent so much as a moment thinking about this deadly disease -- because, unlike breast cancer, it gets ZERO attention from the media.

It's time to change that.

Endometrial cancer may not be the focus of any major awareness campaigns, but it should be. It's one of the top four cancers in women -- behind cancers of the breast, lungs and colon -- and it kills one in five of the women who get it.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

New research reveals the key to making sure you NEVER have to fight a battle with this devastating disease.

It's one small change you can make this week that will practically guarantee you're not among the 1,000 women who will learn they have endometrial cancer next week.

Ready for the best part?

This one change won't cost you a penny!

Odds are, it was something you were planning to do anyway but have been putting off for far too long -- and I'm sure you've figured out by now what it is.

Lose some weight.

That's the secret, plain and simple. Drop a few pounds, and the risk of this deadly disease will drop right along with it.

If you're obese, you're already facing a higher risk.
Sixty percent of all cases of endometrial cancer are linked to obesity.

But lose those extra pounds, and your risk will plunge by 56 percent.

Not obese, but still need to trim a little fat? You'll get a pretty hefty benefit, too:
Weight loss will slash your risk of the disease by nearly 30 percent.

I know it might seem like a tall order, especially if you've let yourself go over the years.

But the study finds it doesn't take much. Losing just 5 percent of your body weight will do the trick.

If you're at the 200-pound mark, that's a loss of just 10 pounds...
or what you can drop on two months of modest dieting.

And if you can keep the weight off, after three years your risk of this cancer will drop to the same as that of women who were never obese.

I can't emphasize how important this is --
because that extra weight isn't just a risk factor for getting the disease.

It could also increase your chances of dying from it.

While the death rates of many cancers are dropping, endometrial cancer is headed in the wrong direction. Deaths are up a stunning 25 percent over five years.

Don't wait until it's too late. Get started now --
and in just two months, your risk of this disease will plunge.

For one-on-one help, make an appointment to see me here at the Stengler Center for Integrative Medicine in the San Diego area.

Not in Southern California?

 I'm also available for advice by phone.
 Call 855-DOC-MARK to schedule a consultation.
God bless,
Dr. Mark Stengler


6 Herbs to Help Boost Your Brain Power

The natural way
Christina Sarich
by Christina Sarich
Posted on December 2, 2014
If you want to join the ranks of the smartest people alive today, you might be able to get a little edge from taking some natural brain power-boosting herbs. Only .05% of people have recorded IQs of over 140.

If you want to have the brilliance of Stephen Hawking or the intellectual gusto of Kim Ung-Yong who was auditing college courses at the ripe old age of 4, you can try these 6 plants to get those brain cells charged up and ready to fire:

1. & 2. Periwinkle & Ginseng

Both of these herbs improve cognitive function. They have both been studied by researchers at the University of Northumbria in Tyne, England, and can be used together to boost cognitive abilities. Ginseng is great as an alternative to synthetic medications
(like those prescribed for ADHD or ADD). It is also known to possess compounds that help protect us from radiation.

3. Vincristine

Extracted from Periwinkle as a natural constituent,vincristine is one of the most powerful anticancer drugs in the world. In fact, it has significantly increased the survival rate for acute childhood leukemia; however, periwinkle’s vincsristine also offers huge positive neuro-cognitive effects,
 and even reduces brain tumors.

4. Gotu Kola

While this herb is said to boost brain power in general, gotu kola is also considered to be an adaptogen, which means it lowers stress. Stress has an incredibly abhorrent affect on our brain’s ability to process information and to see things clearly –acting rapidly via catecholamines and more slowly via glucocorticoids. Catecholamine actions involve beta adrenergic receptors and also availability of glucose, whereas glucocorticoids biphasically modulate synaptic plasticity over hours and also produce longer-term changes in dendritic structure that last for weeks – dumbing us down, essentially, with every shallow breath and wrinkled eye-brow. Gotu Kola can help to minimize this reaction and

5. Smelling Rosemary

A team of scientists from the University of Northumbria, UK, has discovered that one of the active essential oils which gives rosemary its favorable scent improves speed and accuracy when performing certain mental tasks. Thanks to 8-cineole, the main chemical constituent in the plant, we can score higher on tests and just function better mentally on a daily basis from smelling the herb.
 In fact, the higher the levels of 8-cineole in the Rosemary bush, the higher the test scores as evidenced in the journal Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology. Needless to say, boosting the brain is just one of many rosemary benefits.

6. Ginkgo Biloba

This herb actually helps to regenerate brain cells. While the research isn’t conclusive, numerous studies have found this herb to be beneficial for improving memory and adding intellectual zeal.
 If you are taking blood thinning medications; however, you should check with your doctor before ingesting since the herb can cause brain bleeding if used in connection with blood thinners. Otherwise, the herb is perfectly safe and has been used for millennia. It is at least 10,000 years old. Now, that’s a smart tree!
(Yes, we know simply consuming these herbs won’t literally make you a genius).

About Christina Sarich:
Christina Sarich is a humanitarian and freelance writer helping you to Wake up Your Sleepy Little Head, and See the Big Picture. Her blog is Yoga for the New World. Her latest book is Pharma Sutra: Healing the Body And Mind Through the Art of Yoga.     

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