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09 July 2016

Is Death On Your Dinner Plate?

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 Is Death On Your Dinner Plate? 

Take a look around your kitchen and see what oils you’re cooking with. Chances are you are serving up a plate of cancer to your family every time you cook for them.

Vegetable oils such as canola, soybean, corn, and margarine should never be used to begin with and especially not for high temperature cooking because they go rancid in high temperatures meaning they produce a ton of free radicals.

Free radicals are atoms with an odd pair of electrons going around like thieves, looking to steal an electron from your healthy cells. It might seem like microscopic insignificance, but theses guys mean business.

Radicals are extremely inflammatory and harmful. They can cause anything from wrinkly skin to DNA/RNA damage, tissue mutation, vascular disease, and cancer.

 ** Do yourself and your family a great favor and switch over and cook with safer and healthier oils such as olive, coconut, avocado, macadamia, and ghee.

Even though oil like flax-seed is a healthier option, it should not be used for frying either because it goes rancid at high temperatures.
 Instead use them as salad dressing or add them into smoothies.

Oh My Mega! My Omega Imbalance

Another thing to consider when looking at what oils to cook with is their omega fatty acid content. A very common thing in our diets now is the imbalance between omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids. We have way too much omega 6 and not enough omega 3 and this is a leading factor in many healthy problems today.

Normal ratio should be around 1:1, but now  (today) it looks more like 25:1.
The over consumption of omega 6’s started in the late 80’s when animal fats were replaced with vegetable oils and now every civilization world-wide who made the switch is suffering from cancer, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, heart disease, ulcerative colitis and the list goes on.

This incredible 25:1 imbalance is proven to be behind this world-wide health epidemic.
Studies have shown that the closer your omega ratios are to 1:1 the healthier you are and the less chance you have of developing these chronic health conditions.
Dr. Khan of Harvard University did a study where he injected animal test subjects with an enzyme called omega 3 desaturate derived from plants.
Plants have the ability to change omega 6’s into omega 3s, humans and animals don’t.

Khan injected his test subjects, pigs, with this enzyme and fed them a high omega 6 diet. Surprisingly the enzyme started to work magic, converting all the omega 6 fatty acids consumed into omega 3‘s until there was a healthy balance of about 1:1.
Then he placed cancerous tumor growths into the pigs and none of them would develop. They became super pigs, all were immune to diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Goes to show how potent and powerful these omega 3’s are.

Omega 3‘s are now proven to:
  • aid in metabolic syndrome recovery because they increase metabolic rate, aid in fat-loss, and lower blood pressure.
  • they are the most potent and effective way of lowering triglycerides levels
  • omega 3‘s aid with diabetes because they reduce insulin resistance by increasing insulin sensitivity and increase production of insulin receptors and increase GLUT 4 which is a gene that helps with the absorption of sugar from the blood stream into the tissues
  • they can reverse non-alcoholic fatty liver disease to the point where that person can later donate their liver to another
  • they are extremely anti-inflammation and neurotransmitter protective, they increase memory and help improve brain function and diseases that involve neuron function such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, MS, dementia, etc.
Creating Balancing
Creating this 1:1 balance is key to optimal health and you can begin by incorporate foods into your diet that are high in omega 3’s and low in omega 6‘s.
Cook with oils such as extra virgin olive oil, coconut, avocado, macadamia, grass-fed butter, and ghee.
Incorporate chia seeds, flaxseeds, macadamia, walnuts, avocado, dark leafy greens, wild salmon, and organic grass-fed animal products like meats, butter, and eggs into your diet.

The key component to animal products is ‘grass-fed’. Any animal products where the animal has been fed grains, which all animal products now-a-days are unless otherwise specified, tremendously lose their omega 3 content straight away and their omega 6’s content sky rockets.

It’s best to get these essential fatty acids from the foods you eat, but if you find that you’re having a hard time doing so it would be smart to invest in a good omega 3 fish oil supplement. Make sure to check the ingredients and see that EPA and DHA content together come to at least 1 gram per capsule.

A lot of fish oil supplements out there have less than 100 grams combined per capsule and they are a waste of your money. You would need to be taking 10 a day to get what you need out of it.

Hope this has shed some light on your culinary practices.

Health and happiness,
Clare Davidson

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