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07 July 2016

Hillary Clinton will never be found guilty of any crimes

It should come as no surprise to anyone that FBI Director James Comey cleared Hillary Clinton of any wrongdoing after questioning her concerning her use of a private e-mail server in dealing with classified information. Shortly afterward, both Hillary and Comey gave separate press conferences in which both refused to take questions concerning the e-mail scandal. While no charges were brought against Hillary, FBI Director Comey did state that Clinton’s use of a private server in handling classified information was gross negligence. This, despite the fact that she did break some 19 code laws dealing with Federal crime and National Security.

The bottom line here is, Hillary Clinton will never be found guilty of any crimes from Fast and Furious, Benghazi, to her latest e-mail scandal, simply because if she were to be found guilty of anything, Barack H. Obama would surely be found guilty as well. Since most of her treasonous acts and crimes were committed while being the Secretary of State under the Obama Administration, any crime or wrongdoing she may be found guilty of would also implicate Obama himself. This because anything she did was a result of direct orders given to her from the Commander and Chief.

Hillary Clinton is the dirtiest in the business, from being kicked off the Watergate Committee in 1974 for unethical behavior; the deaths of 4 Americans in the Benghazi weapons running deal with radical Islamic terrorist groups in Syria; to the latest e-mail scandal. Yet, these crimes and blatant acts of treason will be swept under the proverbial rug since Obama would also have to be charged with being the one who directed it all while Clinton was part of the Administration.

The American people will not get justice in having Hillary Clinton prosecuted, nor will the families of those killed in Benghazi get closure, until Barack H. Obama is out of office.
The fact that Hillary is considering keeping Loretta Lynch on as Attorney General if she gets elected shows us she intends to surround herself with those who have been bought off by herself and Obama if she becomes President. Thus, assuring herself that she will never have to answer for her high crimes.

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