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06 August 2015

Candida survial mode? - 5

About Candida - Candidiasis
Candida albicans, and other strains of Candida are yeast that normally inhabits our digestive system: the mouth, throat, intestines and genitourinary tract. Candida is a normal part of the bowel flora (the organisms that naturally live inside our intestines, and are not parasitic). It has many functions inside our digestive tract, one of them to recognize and destroy harmful bacteria. Without Candida albicans in our intestines we would be defenseless against many pathogen bacteria.

 Healthy person can have a millions of Candida albicans. Our immune system is suppose to keep it under control, together with "friendly" bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus , B. bifidum, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, S. thermophilus and L. salivarius, ...). If the number of friendly bacteria is decreased (antibiotics, pesticides, chlorine,...) in relation to a number of Candida, the immune systems is weakened or other conditions for yeast proliferation occur (diet high in sugar, improper pH in the digestive system) Candida albicans will shift from yeast to mycelial fungal form and start to invade the body.

In the yeast state Candida is a non-invasive, sugar-fermenting organism, while in fungal state it is invasive and can produce rhizoids, very long root-like structures. Rhizoids can penetrate mucosa or intestinal walls, leaving microscopic holes and allowing toxins, undigested food particles and bacteria and yeast to enter the bloodstream. These condition is known as Leaky Gut Syndrome, one more name for the food and environmental intolerances.


Candida - Candidiasis To Read:

If you:
  • crave sweets
  • feel sick all over
  • have taken many antibiotics
  • have seen many physicians and have not found help
  • developing food allergies
Then Your health problems are probably yeast connected.
Same of your health problems could be caused by intoxication: mercury, fluoride or lead toxicity, or the Epstein-Barr syndrome, or an allergy or a glandular imbalance, or almost anything, but most likely you've got a combination of problems.  

By treating and preventing Candida overgrowth, you will make your body much stronger to deal with the other conditions. If you have no trace of a Candida problem (unlikely), you will still benefit from a thorough intestinal clean-up , and your overall condition will improve regardless of what you are suffering from.

Candida Books to read :
"Eat Right For Your Type" by Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo  - The Individual Diet Solution to staying healthy, Living longer & Achieving your Ideal Weight

Candida books

"The Yeast Syndrome"  by Trowbridge and Walker
"Optimal Wellness" by Ralph Golan, M.D.

"Back to Health: A Comprehensive Medical and Nutritional Yeast Control Program" by Dennis W. Remington, M.D. and Barbara Higa Swasey, R.D
"The Complete Candida Yeast Guidebook" by Jeanne Marie Martin with Zoltan Rona, M.D., Prima Publishing

"The Cure For All Diseases" by Hulda R.Clark,Phd.,ND.

"The Yeast Syndrome, How to help your doctor identify and treat the real cause of your yeast-related illness", by John Parks Trowbridge.

"Colon Health Handbook" by Robert Gray

Treating Candida albicans

"Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the Yeast Connection" by William G. Crook, M.D.

"The Yeast Connection and the Woman" by William G. Crook, M.D.

"The Yeast Connection" by William G. Crook, M.D.

Candida Albicans Cookbooks

"The Candida Control Cookbook" by Gail BurtonIt includes both meals and deserts, and it has good, easy to make recipes that don't require a lot of ingredients.

"The Yeast Connection Cookbook" by William Crook and Marjorie Hurt Jones

Digestion (LGS, Diets...)
 "The Body Ecology Diet" by Donna Gates. Talks a lot about food combining within the context of treating Candida overgrowth.

"Stomach Ailments and Digestive Disturbances" by Michael T. Murray, ND
"Digestive Wellness"  by Elizabeth Lipski


"Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness" by Broda Barnes, M.D.
Other books
"Smart Exercise" by Covert Bailey is a book that explains how exercise affects our bodies, how and when fat is burned, etc. It is written for the average person, explaining everything in easy-to- understand terms.

"Complete Guide to Vitamins, Minerals & Supplements" by H. Winter Griffith, M.D.

“The Ultimate Nutrient Glutamine,”  by Judy Shabert, MD, RD, and Nancy Ehrlich.

"Total Wellness" by Joseph Pizzorno, N.D.

Many chronic health problems are related to the common yeast, Candida Albicans. These include, but are not limited to
  • PMS
  • FMS (Fibromyalgia Syndrom)
  • Leaky Gut
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Food intollerance
  • Psoriasis
  • Digestive and urinary problems
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Muscle pain

This  Candida - Candidiasis Prevention and/or Curing Protocol is for people who are ready to take the full responsibility for their own health. It is not intended to be a quick fix or some fix all program...  It is to help you understand how you body works and hopefully let you live a better heather life! 


  Old Chinese Proverb:    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person actually doing it."

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