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04 August 2015

Candida survial mode? - 3

The Top Supplements Needed To Reverse Candida Overgrowth

Unlike most candida sites which just recommend a few products at the most, I'm going to suggest supplements that will help you deal with any and every issue that you may need to address.

First though, I will cover the very top candida products. You could just use them. However, you will more rapidly deal with the many symptoms and health issues that come from candida overgrowth, if you also use the supplements that help you deal with each particular issue.

Eliminating candida won't be fast. Anyone who tells you it will be either doesn't understand what goes on with candida, or is just trying to sell you a dream that can't happen. Some people will be able to improve quickly, but to get the health of your body improved to the point where candida won't overgrow in it -- takes time.

"This is my 6th month of the treatment, but most of the time I was only able to take a minimum recommended dose. My spit test was perfect two month ago, and many of my symptoms cleared completely (foggy head, urinary tract, puffy, itchy eyes, stomach burning), but there are still some signs on my toe nails.

Last month I was able to increase the dose to 2 bottles of CandElim and 2 to 3 of TF15. I also added Immune Force and plan to take it for at least a year.

"Hi Robert,
"I'm about to finish my 2nd month of your candida products and I'm definitely feeling better. Thanks! I know I still have a ways to go."
Shawn M.

And the right products....
To effectively deal with candida, you have to make sure you take care of one fundamental issue. If you don't do so, there is NO chance that you are going to be able to effectively eliminate candida overgrowth in your body.

If you don't deal with this, candida will, sooner or later, come back. You must...

Use A Candida Supplement That Can Deal With Candida Spores
And Candida Hiding Outside Circulation Pathways

If the candida spores aren't eliminated, they will bloom into a new candida overgrowth the first chance they get (or every Spring and Fall) -- and your candida will come back. Again and again.

You also need something that is effective against the candida fungus that have migrated to areas of your body where there is little circulation. Herbs, medicines, oxygen, all the typical anti-candida supplements travel through the circulatory system. Probiotics don't even get this far. They cannot deal with this candida that reside outside the circulatory system.

Even if the candida supplements you are taking knock out most of the candida in your body, the candida in your body overgrows again. This happens because the candida hiding outside the circulatory system (think of them as hibernating candida) will recolonize the rest of your body at some point.
Usually this happens after you stop using those candida remedies because you are feeling better. Or when you stop the diet. The “hibernating” candida wait till the time is right -- then spread throughout your body.
And of course, the spores do the same in a different manner.
The other anti-candida products, the candida protocols most natural practitioners recommend, NEVER cover this issue. They don't have anything for it.

And it is why their products and regimens don't work long term. For most folks, they don't get the job done -- because they can't.
The key to working on candida spores and candida that exist outside circulation pathways is to use energetic vibrational remedies that work throughout the entire body, and even inside candida spores.
These remedies come in the form of frequency enhanced water with additional ingredients that supercharge the effects of the energies.

This works because water picks up the vibrational frequencies that it is exposed to. By this we mean that it subtly vibrates at the frequencies it is exposed to. Water in your body picks up those frequencies. In this way the vibrational frequencies will work throughout the body -- as all cells, candida and spores contain water. So the anti-candida vibrational frequencies go throughout the entire body, including areas outside the circulatory system, and even work on something nothing else deals with, candida spores.
In addition, these energetics supercharge the ingredients in them. This enables them to better eliminate candida in the circulation pathways where herbs and minerals and essential oils operate.

The supplements using these energetic instructions, frequency vibrations, that gradually eliminate candida outside circulation pathways -- and deactivate candida spores. So that over time, these sources of re-infection will be eliminated too.

This gives you the possibility of eliminating all candida overgrowth.
We have three supplements that use energetic instruction to the body to fight candida everywhere in the body and to deactivate candida spores. The most important of these is....

CandElim -- (Now With Instructions to Inhibit Synthesis of Chitin)

CandElim's candida fighting ability is superb. The testimonies on this site feature CandElim because it has been helping people better than any other supplement ever has.

CandElim fights candida in many ways.

1. CandElim uses herbs, essential oils and more combined with a set of vibrational frequency energetic instructions encoded into the water using unique proprietary technology. These energetics disrupt and kill candida and other pathogens. Throughout the body. Outside the circulatory system.

2. These instructions also boost the immune system response so that it will more effectively fight candida.

3. The vibrational frequencies gradually deactivate and destroy candida spores throughout the body.

4. Plus they supercharge the candida destroying essential oils and herbal extracts in CandElim. The frequencies prevent candida from adjusting to the herbs in it -- enabling them to work effectively for a long time.

5. Instructions in CandElim (and CandiCalm) stop production of the chitin synthase enzymes needed for the candida to produce chitin. And to stop repair of damaged chitin. Consequently the chitin cell membrane of candida will become damaged and weak. And...
The immune system and the anti-candida herbs and oils in CandElim will be able to more easily and effectively deal with candida overgrowth.
The energetic frequency instructions make the oils and herbs in CandElim work much more effectively than they do on their own, without the instructions.

6. CandElim also kills candida, bad bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens -- with the focus on candida.

7. CandElim carries sets of instructions to aid the detoxification process -- so that die-off will not be as bad as it could be.
What sets CandElim apart from other candida fighters: The frequencies it, Silver 9.0 Plus and CandiCalm carry to your body deactivate candida spores, and gradually eliminate candida hiding out in parts of the body which the immune system, herbs, oils, extracts and other candida remedies cannot access.

_- CandElim is a proprietary blend of the following:

Frequency Enhanced Purified Water,

Herbal Extracts of: Olive Leaf, Magnolia-Officialis, Yucca, Astragalus Root, Pau D'Arco, and Dandelion Root.

Flower Essences of: Larch, Pine, Oak, Redwood.

Pure Organic Essential Oils of: Cedarwood (Thuja), Clove Stem, Fir Needle, Juniper Berry, Lemon Grass, Oregano, Pine, Spruce, Peppermint, Cinnamon Bark, Orange, Lemon.

Minerals: Volcanic origin ORMUS, Humic and Fulvic Minerals.

Typically just one bottle of CandElim a month is enough to gradually knock out the candida. (Of course, you also need to get your friendly bacteria back into shape.) More can be taken to be more vigorous in going after the candida yeast overgrowth. Up to 3 bottles a month is effective.

A bottle supplies approximately 30 drops a day for a month. Taken directly in the mouth and held for a minute, or put in a liquid and drunk right down. Take once a day with a meal.

When using two or three bottles a month, take the full dose two or three times a day with meals. CandElim is very easy to take.

As CandElim is powerful, and as die-off symptoms occur when you rapidly kill candida, start with a low dose. Typically starting with 6 drops once a day works well.

But if even this dosage seems to cause too much die-off, reduce to using two or three drops once a day to start with, and gradually increase every few days or so. Go by how you feel.

There are many issues that need to be dealt with when you've had chronic candida overgrowth. It negatively impacts your health in many many ways.

The three fundamentals issues are to eliminate the candida overgrowth throughout the body, to deactivate or kill the candida spores, and to replenish the friendly bacteria in the intestinal tract so that you have a thriving colony of healthy bacteria that will prevent the candida from overgrowing again.

Candida yeast will always be in your intestinal tract as it is supposed to be there, in a very small amount.

In our experience, CandElim is the best product to use for candida overgrowth.
A close second is the new....

Silver 9.0 Plus

I've researched and sold silver products for years, and until now they've never worked well enough on candida overgrowth to include in a protocol fighting candida yeast infections.

Then we found a company that had devised a way to integrate a specially processed colloidal silver into a highly alkaline OH water, 9.0 in pH. The high pH makes the colloidal silver much more powerful. Not only for killing bacteria, viruses, mycoplasma, and some parasites, but also for candida.
It works so strongly we had to bring it in.

With some tweaks.

First, small amounts of Oregano and Olive Leaf extracts are added to bump up effectiveness by approximately 8%.

Secondly, as we do with CandElim, CandiCalm, and TotalFlora15, a set of energetic vibrational frequencies are added to Silver 9.0 Plus to boost effectiveness even more, approximately 30% in our testing. A very big jump indeed.

Overall, Silver 9.0 Plus is approximately 400% better than ordinary colloidal or ionic silver supplements.

The energetic frequencies improve the ability of the body to detoxify, helping to reduce die-off symptoms. They accelerate the healing process of the body too.

In addition some of the frequencies directly disrupt and kill candida, other fungi and molds, viruses, bad bacteria and mycoplasma, while others aid the action of the colloidal silver to do the same.

Better still, they deactivate and kill candida fungus and mold spores, which as you read is the key issue when it comes to stopping the regrowth of candida infections.

Silver 9.0 Plus is pleasant to taste. For an adult the optimal dosage is 2 teaspoons in a glass of water on an empty stomach -- three times a day. The quart sized bottle supplies this dosage for a month. $89.95  Smaller sizes are available for young children.

Other top candida killing supplements are the Parasite Elixir and CandiClear5 which eliminate parasites along with candida, and to provide detoxification help too, or CandiCalm to work on reducing candida overgrowth without stimulating as much die off as the others do.

You need to use a probiotic to replenish your intestinal bacteria. Unfortunately...

We have noticed that most probiotics don't work well at fighting candida. With most probiotics, candida is tougher than they are and wipes them out.
Some powerful probiotics like ThreeLac and soil based organisms do not recolonize the intestinal tract. They die out in a few days. They have benefits, but you have to get friendly bacteria recolonized in the intestinal tract to keep the candida from growing back.


TotalFlora15 is the best probiotic formula we have found for fighting candida. Unlike most probiotics, it is a powerful candida killer. Better still, it does an excellent job of recolonizing the intestinal tract with billions of friendly bacteria, even in the presence of yeast.

Proper re-colonization requires the action of many types of friendly bacteria -- a few strains on their own can not do enough to fight candida successfully -- they simply get overwhelmed and die out.

TotalFlora15 brings together the most widely accepted groups of probiotics - the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species. These are known to work together synergistically, maintaining an ideal balance of "good" bacteria within your digestive tract.

One key to why TotalFlora15 works better than other probiotics at fighting candida is the Streptococcus Thermophilus in it. This is a highly-versatile fast-acting strain of friendly bacteria which acts as a free radical scavenger. It works hand in hand with the 10 strains of Lactobacillus and four from the Bifidobacterium family.

This ideal mixture "kick-starts" a good bacterial bloom thus promoting healthy intestinal function and strengthening your immune system to inhibit candida overgrowth.

The other key is the unique and proprietary laser technology that infuses the TotalFlora15 bacteria with instructions in the form of energetic frequency vibrations. These are specifically designed to activate the friendly bacteria in TotalFlora15 and instruct them to attack and kill candida yeast and other fungal and bad bacteria overgrowth in the intestinal tract.

The frequencies also instruct the 15 strains of bacteria to colonize better.
Plus, these energies even tell them to kill any genetically modified organisms in the guts. As we are exposed to more and more genetically modified foods, this ability will become vital to maintaining health.

Studies are already showing that genetically modified bacteria are growing in our guts and those of animals. A huge increase in sterility is now being observed in cows and bulls which is now proven to be caused by these organisms.

Each capsule also contains a small supply of Ascorbic Acid which keeps the bacteria viable in the bottle by maintaining the best pH. Once it is exposed in the intestines, this ascorbic acid helps modify the growing environment there making it more suitable for the blooming of good bacteria.

There are 60 capsules in a bottle. Two capsules supply approximately 30 Billion viable cells. It works best to use 4 capsules per day until your intestinal tract has returned to good health. This generally takes 6 months.
Ingredients: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium infantis, Bifidobacterium longum Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus lactis, Lactobacillus paracasei, Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus bulgaricus lyoferm, Lactobacillus sporogenes, Lactobacillus brevis. Other ingredients: Rice starch, Ascorbic Acid.  

 There are 60 Capsules per bottle.   $54.95 each

CandElim and Silver 9.0 Plus are the top candida elimination supplements to use. 

If you are already using a good probiotic and have plenty of it on your shelves, these are the two fundamentals to get.

If you aren't stocked up on probiotics....
TotalFlora15 is the other basic fundamental to use. You've got to get your friendly bacteria built back up.
If you can afford to get only a couple of supplements, and you need to get a probiotic like TotalFlora15, the other product to get is CandElim for fighting the candida and their spores.

If you have additional viral, bacterial or mycoplasma infections, instead go with the Silver 9.0 Plus. It is almost as good as CandElim is for candida, and is better for dealing with these other infections.
Both are best.

If you are just getting a couple of supplements and need to make one of them a probiotic, typically work up to using 1 or 2 bottles a month of CandElim or 1 quart of Silver 9.0 Plus and use 2 bottles a month of TotalFlora15.

For children five years or older, only one bottle a month of TotalFlora15 may be needed. For them a bottle of CandElim could last several months as not as much will be needed.

(Infants and children under three should use CandiCalm and Biotic Boost -- water based elixirs that we will cover shortly.)
To help you get CandElim and TotalFlora15 at a reduced cost, get the CandElim and TotalFlora15 Combo.

CandElim and TotalFlora15 Combo - Minimal has one of each -- for children or maybe to start with if you know you'll need to work up slowly to a full dose. $92.45 -- saving about $13.

CandElim and TotalFlora15 Combo -- Basic gives you 1 CandElim and 2 TotalFlora15 for $139.45 -- saving over $20.

CandElim and TotalFlora15 Combo -- Vigorous gives you 2 CandElim and 3 TotalFlora15 for $219.95 -- saving about $30.

You can order these, Silver 9.0 Plus and other candida supplements mentioned below on the Candida page of our shopping cart.

There are some new combo specials that incorporate both CandElim, Silver 9.0 Plus and other important candida supplements.
Or Call To Order: 800-832-9755 from the US, Canada, UK and Australia.

 ***  These are some things that could help you?

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