Introduction to detoxing
“You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment, ultimately, to a mineral deficiency and environmental toxins”Dr. Linus Pauling (Winner of two Nobel Prizes)

In the west, we pay a heavy price for our modern-day conveniences. Quite literally we pay
with our health.
Our food is more processed nowadays than at any time in our existence. ‘Forced food’ and
‘fast food’ have become the norm. Chemicals are being introduced into our diet without
our knowledge or consent. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) artificially increase crop
and cattle growth. At the base level, the raw state of our food has been so altered by
toxic elements
we find ourselves in a world foreign to our natural being in terms of what human food
actually is.
Everywhere in western society, there is abundance but without real nourishment.
This cannot continue without consequence. The effects of such radical and negative dietary shifts are extensive and far-reaching, exceeding our bodies’ abilities to adapt. The results are stark; allergies, autism, diabetes, obesity, cancers, heart disease, parasite infestations and loss of vitality – as well as an overall numbing of our consciousness.
Antibiotics, pollution, radiation and over vaccinations to name but a few are creating enormous fractures within our society. Collectively they are damaging adults and children alike, destroying immune and digestive systems. What has been happening across our society is not a tragedy….but an unfolding catastrophe.
And with a mainstream medical establishment that focuses mainly on treating the
symptoms of dis-ease and conflicting information on what keeps us well/makes us ill
it can be easy to feel powerless.
The truth is that the power lies within you, in the wholly natural and amazing
self-rejuvenating organism that is your body. But to allow it to heal and to maintain a level of optimum health that is
the birthright of all animals you need to look beyond conventional quick fixes.
Our health depends on clean air, clean water, non-toxic foods and being worm or parasite free. Drugs, supplements, invasive procedures, leaking dental metals, toxic water, and diets of foods
(whether ‘healthy’ or not) we were never meant to eat all add to the toxic load our bodies fight to
carry for us – and weigh us down physically and mentally.
Our continued optimum health demands that the five filtration systems within our body
continue to deposit waste and toxins outward.
The Art of Detox ‘Weed and Feed’ strategy to optimum health is as follows:
- Stop consuming the toxic substances that are making us ill
- Clean out the 5 clogged-up organs of elimination (the bodies filters)
- Clean out the possibility of worms and parasites in our organs. All mammals have them, humans included.
- Give the body the nutrients and building blocks to create health.
- In order to speed up the restoration process, employ the oldest and fastest way to
- restore the system: fasting.
To reboot our lives and begin to live with real vitality at the level of our true potential
we have to ‘clean house’ – and that means detoxing and supporting the
five organs of elimination in the body.
The liver is rather a remarkable organ. It rests on the right side of the abdomen, where it has earned more than its name. The name “Liver” stems from an Old English word for “life.”
The liver is one of the body’s seven organs of elimination, (Colon, Kidney, Skin, Lungs, Tongue, Lymphatic system, and the Liver) and weighs in at anywhere between 1-2 kg in the average size male. The liver is by and largely responsible for a remarkable variety of rather important, life-sustaining and health-promoting chores within our bodies. The medical fraternity documents well over 500 such chores. These tasks range from acting as a pharmacy for the body’s needs, detoxifying the body, and not to mention facilitating weight management.
Integral to countless metabolic processes, the liver supports the digestive system, controls blood sugar and regulates fat storage. It’s interesting to note that the liver produces more proteins than any other organ in the body.
In the case of ladies, the liver keeps the female menstrual cycles running smoothly.
One of your liver’s most important functions is to chemically break down anything and everything that enters the body. In short, it facilitates the detoxification of anything that enters the body.
It is the liver’s job to differentiate between nutrients. It needs to absorb and filter the dangerous or unnecessary substances that must be filtered out of the bloodstream.
The by-product of this filtration process is the formation of Gallstones that are formed in the liver. They are mostly created from cholesterol. Cholesterol is a wax-like substance and is manufactured by the liver. Cholesterol has a number of essential roles to play within the body. Among the essential roles of cholesterol are to help insulate nerves and to create hormones.
A good 90+% of gallstones are not really stones, but waxy deposits or agglomerations of coagulated cholesterol. The stones often vary in size from that of a pinhead up to the size of an unshelled walnut or even bigger.
The term “cholesterol” is used for both the cholesterol you eat (dietary cholesterol, which has a bad reputation) and the cholesterol produced in your body. Your liver makes about 80 percent of the cholesterol in your blood (blood cholesterol). Only about 20 percent comes from your diet. Animal products that you eat, such as meat and dairy foods, contain dietary cholesterol. Vegetables do not. Vegetable Fats/Oils in the raw state do not contribute to the detrimental type of cholesterol as found in animal products.
Additionally, some types of cholesterol have been scientifically found to dissolve the less than desirable cholesterol. It is this quality that we shall make later use of with our second “Plant Fat” method to dissolve the gallstones that are formed and clog the livers numerous bile ducts leading to a loss of efficiency within this vital organ. This is discussed extensively the Secrets of Liver Cleanse E-book.
Using the liver cleanse methods in this book you will eliminate even the largest of these stones, without pain or discomfort, with the ultimate aim of keeping the bile ducts open and flowing.
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