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27 July 2018

If you can not accept the truth then what? part 2

If you can not accept the truth then what? part 2

** First look for things you can recognize as true or truthful - 
then expand to find more which fall into this realm of existence. **
Date:   7/28/2018
When all else has dissolved and gone away only the pure Truth will survive -  because lies don't last! They will be found out and exposed sooner or later.

Where did I find the Truth? 

By applying Logic.
Truth is whatever it is - like it or not!

Many people only seek that which suits their ideas and wants.

Yet desires and wishes will ever make something true. 
We will show some practical examples of where the truth is presented.:
 First look at things you feel or can recognize as true or truthful - then expand to find more which fall into this realm of existence. 

Much of this resides in areas of question or misdirection!  
Yet thru the application of Formal Mathematical Logic most terms and debates can be relegated into a valid {true or correct} condition for the purpose of being Right or a {false or negative} if Wrong. This is very effective and a quick way to sort out truth from fiction.

While people tend lie and fabricate to support their own selfish wants and desires - which limit your understanding.  Which is a falsehood! Logic can prove the results either true or false.

So how did I realize the real truth?   
Once you come to understand the facts at hand, then Logic can be used to solve the problem - will like all mathematical calculations. Then you will be able to find a solution to the equation (or problem) and prove either right or wrong whichever proves the absolute truth! 
Just as simple as 2 + 2 = 4  {a true term}.  
A logic statement must follow the  " if this then that " format type of statement! Which is exactly how the world uses and understands the truth! 

Ex. A proposition is a discription of the argument or statement being asserted.
It must have a valence of T to be true, or else F to be considered False.
The assert something or to make an assertion is to means to make a positive, or truthful statement. A statement may be either true or false; if it may be written down or spoken. 
 If it is false it may be not written down or spoken unless it it is identified as false. Thus the valence of a propersition is it's " truth" or "falsity".  When it is true we use the (T) sign. If it is false we use the (F) sign. 
A proposition is usually in the form of an equalitybut not all equalities are neessarialy peopositions. Consider the following Example:

1) 4 = 2 + 2
 The statement appears to be true, it is not a propersition and may not be true.

2) 4 animals = 2 sheep + 2 cows
 This is a proposition with a (True) valence, thus it is a true proposition. 

3) 4 cows = 2 sheep + 2 cows = a (False) valence which is not true!
 We can see that here the negation sign has been represented with the word NOT.   

** A valid or true argument or propersition one where all the premises support or prove the conclusion!  Or else the argument in invalid or false!!

 We will pick up this outline on determining the truth on a later blog.


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