Blog Archive

17 June 2018

Life's continung saga - Part 1

{This is just an outline  - full development late.}
Things I learned over the past 3/4 of a century that could help make your life better or at least offer some words so of encouragement.

1) What you do speaks So Loud that I can not often hear what you say! 

2) Exactly what you plan to happen - often does not. So do not expect a perfect life!

3) Learn to listen quietly will often help you save time and effort.

4) Who can you believe?  Learn to varify reports not just gossip or fads.

5) You can be poor but you do not have to stay there.

6) First, seek the truth of God in your life, and all else will be provided.

7) Establish a foundation of knowledge in your life. Seek the Truth!

8) Your health and well being are mainly just a state of mind.

9) Doing your best sometimes does not work. Meet the circumstances.

10) Making the right decisions will always lead you to a better place.

11) Lack of knowledge leads to a limited life. So do not blame others.

12) You may be able to change some things in life, then let the rest go.

13) What we choose to believe becomes our experience; even if it is a lie!

14) Human Sexuality is a beautiful expression of committed {agape} love a self-giving committed love. Not the present human interaction seen today!    

15) Humor is inherently-profoundly relational and capable of great beauty.

16) Face to Face relationships are the ultimate relationships.

17) Why of Santa Clause? A reflection on how many people yearn for wanted stuff or undeserved things that are presented to them - free.

18) How can we come to realize that our participation in the working out of our salvation is essential?  The working out of our eternal salvation, fully secured for all eternity in Jesus, is participating in the working out in order to make it true; we must do so in fear and trembling, but do so because it is true.

19) Where does your passion come from? Learn to how to pay enough attention to all the glory and other kinds of humor which surrounds us.  

(20) You will have no image to maintain if you have no real secrets. Images are for those who want to be popular, or use magic to look good to others?

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