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29 May 2015

Talk is not cheap Part 1 of

 Words have power:  they can either build up or tear down.  Words build up or tear down; Bless or curse...

 The universe and our world were spoken into existence - through words - God could have done it differently - but words are powerful and effective! !

The key to our (your) use of words is that it determines the setting and degree of involvement with others...  It will either make or break your relationships.

Your walk and talk must be in harmony in order to for your character, conduct and conversation to make a powerful witness...  This the outward view of who you really are.  Come to realize that beyond you actions  - it is your words which will shape who you are in other people's eyes...


In order to control and make things  " Right " some think in realm of Legalism.  Which can not work in the reality of this present world system..
Therefore many people today try to follow certain rules or regulations in order to shape their lives - which is refereed to as " Legalism" .

Legalism have dominated much of the human fabric!
** Does this remind you of any of the recent political actives that have been going on??
It is a system of few personal boundaries and no real limits!

  What do the Liberal - legalistic believe?

They believe that a highly efficient and powerful government was the key to resorting order.  This has been so through most of history!
  1. They also believe that government should use the law to end civil disorder and restore harmony.
  2. They believe in controlling ideas as well as actions.
  3. They believe that humans are innately bad.
  4. They believe in strict rules and harsh punishments.
This is the mass belief of many people in the so called " Liberal " movement.

** Yet it is an odd label - because they are not actually liberal - but more controlling in their forced beliefs and actions...

They have a " We are going to save everybody  " attitude "
 {which is impossible in human terms and elements}...
Because this makes them seem or feel better about themselves...
Their overall view is obtain or create perfection...
 {The ideas which are so often life changing are desirable but often not obtainable - in the human realm of existence}
But this " Liberal " view is not valid  - because humans will never be able to build perfection in a sin filled world...

 Only Christ can do for us what we can never do for ourselves!


The idea that we can save ourselves comes from upon the false beliefs based upon the idea of force and control!

  God gave each of us with a free choice - while the evil wants the world to come under his dominating control!

Legalism or so called Liberalism is a control system which favors selfish desires and gratification!

Most of the Liberal political side people  believe in more laws to control everything.  Laws have never really changed anything...
The original Nature of man is evil. Therefore, numerous harsh laws are necessary. People must be tightly controlled by variety of means.

Strict adherence to the law, esp. the letter of the law rather than it's spirit.  The letter of the law is how it is written while the spirit of the law is what it was intended to define and prevent...
Examples: there have been laws about -  Murder, Stealing, Lies, Rape, and Bank Robbery,  etc.. -  yet all of this still goes on today...
But the Laws did not change or stop any of these actions...

" The Law is only a shadow of the good things coming . "  Heb 10:1

 Why try to hug a  shadow when the actual reality is right at hand??

Legalism has become a popular attempt at " measuring" other people's spiritual life...

 Yet, there is no way to totally determine another's spirit;
                    because only God's really knows.

 It is easy folks....   God offers freedom of choice - which requires us to come to know Him and learn to live His Laws  - then once we realize that His Grace allows us to be forgiven through our Acceptance of Christ then be seen as perfect.

You have to work at it - to mess it up...   Prayer and supplications help...



***   Will discusse this whole phase Liberal - Legalism in a later post...

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