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09 May 2015

Exchanging our Light for Darkness

 If you never choose to find the truth - then it will never become known unto you!

 (33) Seek ye first the kingdom of God. 
—  The context shows that the words point to the “seeking” of prayer, rather than of action, though the latter meaning is, of course, not excluded.
 What is thus to be sought is “the kingdom of God” (the change from the less personal “kingdom of heaven” is significant),  the higher spiritual life in its completeness,  for ourselves and for others; and with it we are to seek “His righteousness,” that which, being perfect beyond the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, must be His gift to us, and therefore to be sought in prayer.

 One who seeks for this may well be content to leave all else in his Father’s hands. Even without his asking “they shall be added unto him” in such measure as is best for him.  Among the few traditional sayings ascribed to our Lord of which we can think as probably an authentic report of His teaching, is one to the same effect quoted by Origen and Clement of Alexandria,”  Ask great things, and little things shall be added to you: ask heavenly things, and earthly things shall be added to you.”

 Matthew 6:33.
But — You my disciples have more important business to employ your minds about, and have higher hopes to encourage you. Therefore seek ye first — That is, in the first place, and with the greatest earnestness and concern, as being the principal things, the kingdom of God — As described Romans 14:17, namely, that God, reigning in your heart, may fill it with the holiness above described, and the happiness consequent thereon; and, in order thereto, his righteousness — Not your own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness of God by faith. 

Compare Romans 10:3; Php 3:9. For it seems most natural to interpret the expression of that way of becoming righteous which the gospel proposes, and by which alone we can be put in possession of the kingdom of God on earth, or in heaven. And all these things shall be added unto you — For if you seek, as now directed, the kingdom of God, first and principally, all things pertaining to this life shall, in the course of the divine providence, be bestowed on you as far as they can contribute to your real welfare, and more you would not desire.

If you are smart and sane you may well want to study these passages...



Rabbi Jonathan Cahn brought a chilling warning to America at the U.S. Capital on the the 06th of May 2015 - plus the Prez wasn't let off the hook, Cahn was sure to deliver a sobering, personalized message for our morally corrupt president as well.  In this time of desperation, it’s important that we hear the TRUTH.

 Please watch and share!   with a warning for our country

The day after justices heard arguments on whether or not the U.S. government would mandate recognition of homosexual “marriage” across the country,   Cahn warned the Supreme Court what redefining marriage in America would mean.

Cahn said:

“If this court should overrule the word of God and strike down the eternal rules of order and right that heaven itself ordained, how then will God save it?” Justices, can you judge the ways of God?

 There is another court and there another judge, where all men and all judges will give account.

If a nation’s high court should pass judgment on the Almighty, should you then be surprised God will pass judgment on the court and that nation? We are doing that which Israel did on the altars of Baal.

"We are exchanging our light for darkness.”

 Absolutely true - mankind has attempted to follow the selfish desires... 

Our Heavenly Father gave each of us freedom of choice - only Satan has placed the element of Pride and Greed in our sights which if we follow these only failure will result...


Despite what liberals would like us to believe, this country was founded on Judeo-Christian values, by Christian men who held fast to their faith and did not hide it — and yet now, a relatively short time - 200 years later,  we've turned our back on those values and the faith that made our country strong.

And now one rabbi is speaking out with a warning for our country that all Americans need to hear.

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