Blog Archive

06 May 2015

Our schools don’t need more money. They need to be cut off.

EAGnews recently obtained a partial list of American school districts that contract with San Francisco-based PEG for educational consulting services. Most of those services come in the form of workshops for teachers and other staff members.
Forty-two districts on that list responded to an EAGnews request for information about how much they have paid PEG over the past five years.

The total amount was $3.9 million between 2010 and 2015, with some districts spending a lot more than others.

The biggest spender on the list was Pittsburgh Public Schools, which paid PEG a whopping $586,300 over a four-year period.

The district’s initial investment was $231,000 in the 2010-11 school year. It spent $96,100 the following year, then $183,200 in 2012-13 and $76,000 in 2013-14.

Then there’s the Osseo, Minnesota school district, which has paid PEG $533,800 over the past three years.

It started with a $100,000 payment in the 2012-13 school year, followed by $225,000 in 2013-14 and $208,800 in 2014-15.

The other top PEG spenders on the list are Baltimore County Public Schools ($427,000), Lawrence Public Schools in Kansas ($362,750), Talbot County Public Schools in Maryland ($259,100) and the Bellevue School District in Washington ($237,100, including $153,600 in 2014-15).

What are the educators in these districts learning in exchange for all of that money?

The PEG message is centered on the concept of “white privilege” and the detrimental impact it supposedly has on minority students.

On a basic level, PEG teaches that minority students don’t do as well as white students on the average because traditional American education is structured around white cultural norms, which are frequently difficult for minority students to grasp. 


Gee if any minority  student goews to anyother  Major Country in the world -

Russia, France. Egypt, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Italy, Spain, Turkey, or any such they will get the same main course which built the common core population of that country...

  Who keeps attempting to make everywhere user friendly just because the few  have problems?    That has always been true...  It does not mean that foreign students should not get help in the main school systems...

  Just realize that " while you may not like that the oceans are salty - you can not change it because you are fresh water type " ...

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