Blog Archive

30 May 2015

The hypocrisy is stark and absolute:

The key here is that many people think they can lie, falsify, suggest, intimidate or just plain control others thru gross false accusations...  Yet this has never worked for very long nor has it ever really changed the Absolute Truth!

What they do not understand is that you can not ever lie and make it the truth!

You can play for a while then one day soon you will have to stand before the Lord !
 It is then that you lies will become apparent when you have you personal " Come to Jesus " meeting!

 Are you ready??


 NYT runs dung-caked Mary painting again, won’t run Muhammad cartoons  

The hypocrisy is stark and absolute: “Under Times standards, we do not normally publish images or other material deliberately intended to offend religious sensibilities” — unless it offends a group that is not committing mass murder and threatening more over such images. This is, as I wrote yesterday, still more mainstream media canonization of the assassin’ veto. The mainstream media is signaling that terrorism works: threaten to kill us, and we will do what you want. That will only bring more terrorism.

“NYT’s Artistic Display of Religious Hypocrisy: Runs Offensive Virgin Mary Painting Once Again,” by Clay Waters, Newsbusters, May 29, 2015:

The New York Times’ hypocrisy regarding displays of “offensive” religious imagery runs unabated, as shown in a Scott Reyburn article in Friday’s Arts section on the sale of Chris Ofili’s controversial painting “The Holy Virgin Mary,” which shows the Virgin Mary clotted with elephant dung against a porn-collage background — and accompanied by a photograph of the offensive work.
Yet when the paper refused to reprint a cartoon of Muhammad that appeared in the Paris satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo that resulted in the January 2015 massacre of 12 magazine staffers, it offered this smug, cowardly justification:
Under Times standards, we do not normally publish images or other material deliberately intended to offend religious sensibilities. After careful consideration, Times editors decided that describing the cartoons in question would give readers sufficient information to understand today’s story.

Not fear of violent reprisal, but fear of “causing offense.” So why does Ofili’s dung-clotted Virgin Mary get a pass?…

29 May 2015

Talk is not cheap Part 1 of

 Words have power:  they can either build up or tear down.  Words build up or tear down; Bless or curse...

 The universe and our world were spoken into existence - through words - God could have done it differently - but words are powerful and effective! !

The key to our (your) use of words is that it determines the setting and degree of involvement with others...  It will either make or break your relationships.

Your walk and talk must be in harmony in order to for your character, conduct and conversation to make a powerful witness...  This the outward view of who you really are.  Come to realize that beyond you actions  - it is your words which will shape who you are in other people's eyes...


In order to control and make things  " Right " some think in realm of Legalism.  Which can not work in the reality of this present world system..
Therefore many people today try to follow certain rules or regulations in order to shape their lives - which is refereed to as " Legalism" .

Legalism have dominated much of the human fabric!
** Does this remind you of any of the recent political actives that have been going on??
It is a system of few personal boundaries and no real limits!

  What do the Liberal - legalistic believe?

They believe that a highly efficient and powerful government was the key to resorting order.  This has been so through most of history!
  1. They also believe that government should use the law to end civil disorder and restore harmony.
  2. They believe in controlling ideas as well as actions.
  3. They believe that humans are innately bad.
  4. They believe in strict rules and harsh punishments.
This is the mass belief of many people in the so called " Liberal " movement.

** Yet it is an odd label - because they are not actually liberal - but more controlling in their forced beliefs and actions...

They have a " We are going to save everybody  " attitude "
 {which is impossible in human terms and elements}...
Because this makes them seem or feel better about themselves...
Their overall view is obtain or create perfection...
 {The ideas which are so often life changing are desirable but often not obtainable - in the human realm of existence}
But this " Liberal " view is not valid  - because humans will never be able to build perfection in a sin filled world...

 Only Christ can do for us what we can never do for ourselves!


The idea that we can save ourselves comes from upon the false beliefs based upon the idea of force and control!

  God gave each of us with a free choice - while the evil wants the world to come under his dominating control!

Legalism or so called Liberalism is a control system which favors selfish desires and gratification!

Most of the Liberal political side people  believe in more laws to control everything.  Laws have never really changed anything...
The original Nature of man is evil. Therefore, numerous harsh laws are necessary. People must be tightly controlled by variety of means.

Strict adherence to the law, esp. the letter of the law rather than it's spirit.  The letter of the law is how it is written while the spirit of the law is what it was intended to define and prevent...
Examples: there have been laws about -  Murder, Stealing, Lies, Rape, and Bank Robbery,  etc.. -  yet all of this still goes on today...
But the Laws did not change or stop any of these actions...

" The Law is only a shadow of the good things coming . "  Heb 10:1

 Why try to hug a  shadow when the actual reality is right at hand??

Legalism has become a popular attempt at " measuring" other people's spiritual life...

 Yet, there is no way to totally determine another's spirit;
                    because only God's really knows.

 It is easy folks....   God offers freedom of choice - which requires us to come to know Him and learn to live His Laws  - then once we realize that His Grace allows us to be forgiven through our Acceptance of Christ then be seen as perfect.

You have to work at it - to mess it up...   Prayer and supplications help...



***   Will discusse this whole phase Liberal - Legalism in a later post...

28 May 2015

Crabs or Pubic Lice

Pubic Lice



The pubic louse insect is easily differentiated from the head louse and body louse by the strong thick claws of the mid and hind legs, while the claws of the fore legs are long and fine. The body is broader than long.

The spread of pubic lice

Adult crab lice are only a little over half the size of body or head lice, rarely more than 1/12" long. Their last two pairs of legs terminate in hooked mitts that resemble crab claws. These lice are confined to coarse pubic hair and sometimes armpits, eyebrows and eyelashes. Pubic lice move very little in the pubic region and produce few eggs. The most common method of transmission of crab or public lice is by sexual intercourse. When infested pubic hair detaches, lice can hatch on underwear, towels, in beds, or on toilet fixtures. If their immediate environment is above 50 degrees Fahrenheit, a pair of pubic lice could infest another person without personal contact.

Pubic lice life cycle

The egg is small and glued to a body hair with a sticky substance created by the female louse. The egg hatches in 7 - 8 days. The three nymphal stages do not wander far from the hair, which is grasped with the tarsal claws. Several hours are usually taken to complete each bloodsucking meal. They occasionally are found on eye lashes and eye brows. The nymphs become adults in from 13 - 17 days and it seems probable that the length of adult life is not more than one month. Fewer eggs are laid by pubic lice than body lice.
Crab lice usually die within 24 hours if separated from their host. This short survival and their sluggish movement inhibit the spread of crab lice, except through intimate (sexual) personal contact or in extremely crowded living and sleeping conditions where they can and do spread readily. Crab lice may be (but rarely are) spread by nits on loose hairs left on bedding, towels and toilets by infested persons.

A Product From Nature Removes Pubic Lice

LICE TRAP SHAMPOO™ MOUSSE FOAM is a nontoxic, pesticide free product proven to eliminate head lice and their eggs (nits) in just one treatment. This cleansing mousse foam product uses a combination of naturally occurring active enzymes to remove head lice and nits without the risk associated with pesticide poisons. One canister, used as directed, has been 99% effective in removing the head lice and their nits!
Lice Trap Shampoo Dissolves Nit GLUE! One application of this lice shampoo gets rid of head lice and the nits because the enzymes in Lice Trap softens the glue that holds the nits to the hair shaft, allowing them to be easily combed and rinsed away. The "resistance factor" never becomes an issue. The head lice and nits are off the head and down the drain in 30 minutes.
lice trap shampoo
  • Clinically proven to dissolve nit glue!
  • 100% SAFE! NONTOXIC!
  • Safe for repeated use. No retreatments - One step process!
  • Completely biodegradable upon application.
  • Has no residual contamination.
  • Safe for people, pets, wildlife and crops.
  • Lice CANNOT become resistant to LICE TRAP SHAMPOO.
  • Cost effective - NO RETREATMENTS on same infestation.

Directions for use:

  1. Wet hair with warm water at a bath or kitchen sink. DO NOT use this product while taking a bath or showering. Place a clean wash towel over eyes for protection.
  2. Add small amount of LICE TRAP SHAMPOO to hair and massage for 5 minutes.
  4. Add more mousse and massage 5 more minutes. DO NOT RINSE!
  5. Continue to add and massage until half of 4oz. bottle is used on the hair and scalp.
  6. With shampoo still in the hair, comb through the hair with any fine tooth come to assist in removing the nits that have been released. Rinse thoroughly with a strong spray of very warm water. The lice and the nits will rinse out.
  7. Inspect under bright light.
LICE TRAP SHAMPOO is an extremely efficient shampoo! It can lift pediculicide shampoos, pesticide poisons, hair spray glues, rinse-in hair color and other debris and irritants from your hair and scalp. If you use this enzyme cleaner and you have previously used hair spray or hair color or have used previous pesticide (poison) lice shampoos, it is advised you do not use this product in the shower. These previously used products can cause the hair to matte. If this occurs, simply apply a basic hair conditioner to entire head. Leave on for approximately 30-60 minutes, then comb and rinse.
Always keep LICE TRAP SHAMPOO out of your eyes and off your face. If you get anything in your eyes, flush with generous amounts of water.

How to use Lice Trap Shampoo™ to remove lice from the pubic area

  • Apply Lice Trap Shampoo™ generously, working product into a lather. Allow it to remain on the hair at least 30 minutes. Repeat application, if necessary.
  • Rinse and comb out lice with lukewarm water. For easier removal, consider using a Nit Free™ Terminator Comb, the most effective lice removal comb available.
  • Product should remove pubic lice and their eggs in one treatment. Inspect, and retreat as needed.
  • This non-toxic product may be used immediately and again later if re-infestation occurs.


All Natural Ginesis products are safe and non-toxic when used as directed. Natural Ginesis is not a substitute for medical advice. The operators of this website and those who provide information for this site do not directly or indirectly practice medicine or dispense medical advice or services through this website. You should not rely on this information to determine a diagnosis or course of treatment, nor should it be considered a replacement for consultation with a physician or other certified healthcare provider. Natural Ginesis and its distributors do not make representations or warranties with respect to any information offered or provided on or through any company web sites regarding treatment, action or application of product. Neither Natural Ginesis nor any of its divisions or contributors shall have any liability for the content, errors or omissions in the information provided by this web site. Neither Natural Ginesis nor its distributors are responsible or liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis, or any other information, services or products that you obtain through this site. Those with health problems, pregnancy or who are nursing are specifically advised that they should consult their physician before taking any nutritional supplement.
Thank You!

24 May 2015

She did it once again!

  A repost of an Important message:

  She Did It Again!

Australia says NO -- This will be the second Time the Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has done this!
She isn't backing down on her hard line stance and one has to appreciate her belief in rights of her native countrymen. 
A breath of fresh air to see someone lead with guts and determination.
The whole world needs a leader like this!

Prime Minister Julia Gillard - Australia
Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia, as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks. 
Separately, Gillard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying she supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote: 'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians. 
“This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom. 
“We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language! 
“Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.
“We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peace with us. 
“This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christianbeliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'.
“If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country that accepted you.”

NOTE: IF we circulate this amongst ourselves in Canada & USA, WE will find the courage to start speaking out and voicing the same truths. 
If you agree please SEND THIS ON and ON, to as many people as you know.

20 May 2015

How to Do Kegel Exercises Part 1

The pelvic floor muscles, which support the uterus, bladder, rectum, and small intestine, also known as the "Kegel muscles," were first described in 1948 by Dr. Arnold Kegel, a gynecologist who invented the exercises as non-surgical treatment for genital relaxation. Incorporating Kegel exercises into your daily routine can help ward off pelvic floor problems, including urinary and fecal incontinence, and it can also improve your sex life. The most important thing is that you learn to isolate those Kegel muscles and then commit to a daily routine.

Men can also strengthen their pelvic floor muscles by doing PC muscle exercises.

1}  Find your pelvic muscles by stopping the flow of your urine mid-stream.Before you do your Kegel exercises, it's important to find your pelvic muscles. These are the muscles that form the floor of your pelvic floor. The most common way to find them is to try to stop the flow of your urine mid-steam. This tightening is the basic move of a Kegel. Let those muscles go and resume the flow of urine and you'll have a better sense of where those Kegels are.[1] Just remember to see a doctor before you begin your Kegel exercises if you have any medical problems that may prevent you from doing Kegels safely.
  • However, don't stop urinating mid-stream as your regular Kegel exercise routine. Doing Kegels while urinating can actually have the opposite effect, weakening the muscle.
2] If you still have trouble finding your Kegels, place your finger in your vagina and squeeze your muscles. You should feel the muscles tightening and your pelvic floor move up. Relax and you'll feel the pelvic floor move back again. Make sure your finger is clean before you insert it into your vagina.[2]

  • If you're a sexually active woman, you can also ask your partner if he can feel you "hugging" his penis and letting go during sex.
3} Use a hand mirror to find your Kegels. If you're still having trouble locating or isolating your Kegels, place a hand mirror below your perineum, which is the skin-covered area between your vagina and your anus. Practice squeezing and relaxing what you think are your Kegel muscles. If you do this correctly, you should see your perineum contracting with each squeeze.[3]

4} Make sure you have an empty bladder before you begin your Kegels. This is important. You don't want to do your Kegels with a full or a partially full bladder, or you may experience pain while you do your Kegels, as well as some leakage. Before you start your exercise routine, do a bladder check so you can perform those exercises as efficiently as possible.

5} Concentrate on only tightening your pelvic floor muscles. Your Kegel exercises should focus on these muscles only, so you should avoid flexing other muscles, such as your buttocks, thighs, or your abdomen, for best results. To help your concentration and the efficiency of your movements, make sure you breathe in and out as you perform each set of Kegels, instead of holding your breath. This will help you relax and get the most out of your pelvic floor exercises.[4]
  • One way to keep your muscles relaxed is to place one hand on your belly to make sure that your belly is relaxed.
  • If your back or belly ache a bit after you complete a set of Kegel exercises, then it's an indication that you're not doing them correctly.
6} Get into a comfortable position. You can do these exercises either sitting in a chair or lying on the floor. Make sure your buttock and tummy muscles are relaxed. If you are lying down, then you should be flat on your back with your arms at your sides and your knees up and together. Keep your head down, too, to avoid straining your neck.

17 May 2015

Just because...

Just because you have my cell phone number does not mean you can call me at your leisure.

 Just because you sent me an instant message does not mean I am instantly available to you.

 Just because I opened your email to check its immediate importance does not justify an immediate response.

 I find it the height of rudeness when a conversation I am having with someone is interrupted by a "ding", which steals their attention.

 I never answer a call whilst I'm speaking to anyone, regardless of how trivial the conversation.

I love that I can get an email, read it, reply accordingly in my own time. 

Are you going to be offended when I read your email on Friday and respond on Tuesday?

When did electronic communication become more urgent than real talking and listening? 

It's definitely not as important.

The world has existed for thousands of years with out the " modern messaging..


16 May 2015

Body heal thy self??

Dentists will not tell you this because big money is involved in the dental industry because of it. If everyone knew how easy it is to cure tooth decay, no one would go to the dentist. If you ask people whether caries and teeth can be healed naturally, 99% of the answers would be that that is impossible.
Dentists also, sometimes because their own earnings, sometimes because of fraud, will always say that the decay cannot be cured naturally but only with dental techniques.
You were told that tooth decay is caused by diet with too much sugar in it. The American Dental Association says that tooth decay and cavities are formed when carbohydrates are stuck between the teeth, creating an acidic environment in which tooth’s enamel rots and thus decay is formed.
Part of their reason is correct (the one with the carbohydrate), but there are a number of holes in this theory. There are many documented cases of tribes and people who live outside the modern society. These people have a bunch of carbohydrates stuck in their teeth all the time and never brush or floss their teeth.
Weston Price (dentist in the early 20th century) traveled the world in search of such people, in order to examine their teeth and thoroughly document his findings. Bacteria also like to eat foods such as vegetables, meat, fruit and dairy products, but they have never been named as the cause of tooth decay and cavities.
In stark contrast to the current conventional “wisdom”, Dr. Weston Price wrote about a number of situations in his practice, even in the 1920’s and 1930‘s, when voids and cavities were cured without the need of drillings and fillings. Dr. Price discovered through a research that both cavities and tooth decay, caused by nutritional deficiency, are treated by itself.

Can the body heal itself?

If you think about the manner of an open mind, leaving all ideas of caries in the background, do not you think this makes any sense? Would not our body be able to treat cavities just like it cures a broken bone or a cut on your hand? Why would our teeth be different from a broken wrist?
In addition we will present a part of a woman’s story linked to caries and how to cure it.
“After reading an epic book by Doctor Price, “Nutrition and physical degeneration” a few years ago, my head was full of thoughts that caries can really be cured with proper nutrition over time. But believing in something intellectually and knowing how it works in practice are two very different things, right?
For this reason, I am very excited to tell you about a recent story about one of my children. You see, my oldest child has recently developed a cavity in his tooth, in his right maxillary lateral incisor. Caries was behind the right tooth on the gums. My husband noticed it one night, as a person who diligently protects teeth and brushing and flossing.
There definitely was a hole in the tooth, and it was not so little. We both agreed that caries should immediately be filled with seal.
I called the dentist immediately and arranged a meeting. Meanwhile, I began to insist for my son to take 3 butter-oil capsules every morning along with his normal, everyday spoonful of fermented cod liver oil.
With that big hole in the back of his incisors, he drank both oils. Dr. Price found that the tooth decay can be faster healed when these two therapeutic and nourishing oils are taken together.

13 May 2015

Bet you did not know??

On this day in 1797, Thomas Jefferson discusses his perspective on the presidential election of 1796. That election had not gone well for him: Instead, Jefferson had been defeated by Federalist candidate John Adams.
A little background on the Electoral College is useful at this juncture, because the system operated slightly differently back then: Electors did not cast separate votes for President and Vice President, as they do today. Instead, electors cast two ballots for President. Once these votes were tallied, the first place winner became President and the second place winner became Vice President. Ratification of the 12th Amendment changed this procedure. But, in the meantime, Adams and Jefferson were competing for the White House under the old system.

When the electoral votes were tallied, Adams had placed first with 71 electoral votes. Thus, he was inaugurated President in March 1797. In the meantime, Jefferson’s 68 electors put him in second place, and he was inaugurated Vice President. Can you imagine what it would be like to have a President and Vice President from different political parties?
Would one be a sore loser?
 Would they be able to work together productively, at all?
Or would the President and his advisors constantly undermine the Vice President, hoping to prevent his success in the next election?

The potential for these problems prompted Elbridge Gerry to write Jefferson in the wake of the 1796 election. Gerry told Jefferson of his concern that “the consequence of this election will be repeat[ed stratagems, to] weaken or destroy the confidence of the P and VP in each other . . . .”

Jefferson had several thoughts. First, he wasn’t angling to run for President in the first place, and he was perfectly happy to find himself in the vice presidential chair. “The second office of this government,” he told Gerry, “is honorable and easy. The first is but a splendid misery.” However, he assumed that some people would think that he had his eye on the presidency. He continued: “I consider as a certainty that nothing will be left untried to alienate [Adams] from me. . . . I cannot help fearing that it is impossible for Mr. Adams to believe that the state of my mind is what it really is; that he may think I view him as an obstacle in my way. . . . This may be a source of private uneasiness to us. I honestly confess that it is so to me at this time.”

Indeed, the relationship between Jefferson and Adams did falter. Jefferson became particularly upset a few years later when he was finally elected President in 1800. Adams appointed several federal judges on his way out the door, just before Jefferson’s inauguration. Jefferson would later tell Abigail Adams: “I can say with truth that one act of Mr. Adams’s life, and only one ever gave me a moment’s personal displeasure. I did consider his last appointments to office as personally unkind. They were from among my most ardent political enemies, from whom no faithful co-operation could ever be expected.”

These two men had been friends for years, but they lost their friendship during their years in the White House. That break lasted for a while, but their relationship was fortunately renewed in 1812. The correspondence that flowed between those two men during the last decade of their lives was rich and full of interesting observations about our founding.

But that is a story for another day!

P.S. Okay, guys, so I meant to write a completely different history story for this morning, but I ran out of time. Stay tuned. I should be able to finish it and run a second, bonus post in a few hours wink emoticon Here's your tease for the story: Did the American Revolution start as early as 1771?! wink emoticon
If you enjoyed this post, please don't forget to “like” and SHARE.

 Our schools and media don’t always teach the stories of our founding! Let’s do it ourselves.
Gentle reminder: History posts are copyright © 2013-2015 by Tara Ross. I appreciate it when you use the FB “share” feature instead of cutting/pasting.
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09 May 2015

Exchanging our Light for Darkness

 If you never choose to find the truth - then it will never become known unto you!

 (33) Seek ye first the kingdom of God. 
—  The context shows that the words point to the “seeking” of prayer, rather than of action, though the latter meaning is, of course, not excluded.
 What is thus to be sought is “the kingdom of God” (the change from the less personal “kingdom of heaven” is significant),  the higher spiritual life in its completeness,  for ourselves and for others; and with it we are to seek “His righteousness,” that which, being perfect beyond the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, must be His gift to us, and therefore to be sought in prayer.

 One who seeks for this may well be content to leave all else in his Father’s hands. Even without his asking “they shall be added unto him” in such measure as is best for him.  Among the few traditional sayings ascribed to our Lord of which we can think as probably an authentic report of His teaching, is one to the same effect quoted by Origen and Clement of Alexandria,”  Ask great things, and little things shall be added to you: ask heavenly things, and earthly things shall be added to you.”

 Matthew 6:33.
But — You my disciples have more important business to employ your minds about, and have higher hopes to encourage you. Therefore seek ye first — That is, in the first place, and with the greatest earnestness and concern, as being the principal things, the kingdom of God — As described Romans 14:17, namely, that God, reigning in your heart, may fill it with the holiness above described, and the happiness consequent thereon; and, in order thereto, his righteousness — Not your own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness of God by faith. 

Compare Romans 10:3; Php 3:9. For it seems most natural to interpret the expression of that way of becoming righteous which the gospel proposes, and by which alone we can be put in possession of the kingdom of God on earth, or in heaven. And all these things shall be added unto you — For if you seek, as now directed, the kingdom of God, first and principally, all things pertaining to this life shall, in the course of the divine providence, be bestowed on you as far as they can contribute to your real welfare, and more you would not desire.

If you are smart and sane you may well want to study these passages...



Rabbi Jonathan Cahn brought a chilling warning to America at the U.S. Capital on the the 06th of May 2015 - plus the Prez wasn't let off the hook, Cahn was sure to deliver a sobering, personalized message for our morally corrupt president as well.  In this time of desperation, it’s important that we hear the TRUTH.

 Please watch and share!   with a warning for our country

The day after justices heard arguments on whether or not the U.S. government would mandate recognition of homosexual “marriage” across the country,   Cahn warned the Supreme Court what redefining marriage in America would mean.

Cahn said:

“If this court should overrule the word of God and strike down the eternal rules of order and right that heaven itself ordained, how then will God save it?” Justices, can you judge the ways of God?

 There is another court and there another judge, where all men and all judges will give account.

If a nation’s high court should pass judgment on the Almighty, should you then be surprised God will pass judgment on the court and that nation? We are doing that which Israel did on the altars of Baal.

"We are exchanging our light for darkness.”

 Absolutely true - mankind has attempted to follow the selfish desires... 

Our Heavenly Father gave each of us freedom of choice - only Satan has placed the element of Pride and Greed in our sights which if we follow these only failure will result...


Despite what liberals would like us to believe, this country was founded on Judeo-Christian values, by Christian men who held fast to their faith and did not hide it — and yet now, a relatively short time - 200 years later,  we've turned our back on those values and the faith that made our country strong.

And now one rabbi is speaking out with a warning for our country that all Americans need to hear.

06 May 2015

Our schools don’t need more money. They need to be cut off.

EAGnews recently obtained a partial list of American school districts that contract with San Francisco-based PEG for educational consulting services. Most of those services come in the form of workshops for teachers and other staff members.
Forty-two districts on that list responded to an EAGnews request for information about how much they have paid PEG over the past five years.

The total amount was $3.9 million between 2010 and 2015, with some districts spending a lot more than others.

The biggest spender on the list was Pittsburgh Public Schools, which paid PEG a whopping $586,300 over a four-year period.

The district’s initial investment was $231,000 in the 2010-11 school year. It spent $96,100 the following year, then $183,200 in 2012-13 and $76,000 in 2013-14.

Then there’s the Osseo, Minnesota school district, which has paid PEG $533,800 over the past three years.

It started with a $100,000 payment in the 2012-13 school year, followed by $225,000 in 2013-14 and $208,800 in 2014-15.

The other top PEG spenders on the list are Baltimore County Public Schools ($427,000), Lawrence Public Schools in Kansas ($362,750), Talbot County Public Schools in Maryland ($259,100) and the Bellevue School District in Washington ($237,100, including $153,600 in 2014-15).

What are the educators in these districts learning in exchange for all of that money?

The PEG message is centered on the concept of “white privilege” and the detrimental impact it supposedly has on minority students.

On a basic level, PEG teaches that minority students don’t do as well as white students on the average because traditional American education is structured around white cultural norms, which are frequently difficult for minority students to grasp. 


Gee if any minority  student goews to anyother  Major Country in the world -

Russia, France. Egypt, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Italy, Spain, Turkey, or any such they will get the same main course which built the common core population of that country...

  Who keeps attempting to make everywhere user friendly just because the few  have problems?    That has always been true...  It does not mean that foreign students should not get help in the main school systems...

  Just realize that " while you may not like that the oceans are salty - you can not change it because you are fresh water type " ...

02 May 2015

probiotics and the microbiome point

  New research on probiotics and the microbiome point to their critical
role in metabolism. Recently studies have suggested a new role:
detoxification of toxic metals.  Use of microbes, such as Bacillus subtilis
and Candida albicans, have been used in mining to help increase metal
extraction.  I first heard about this from Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt in
the 1980’s when he described the connection between Candida and mercury
extraction; and also the role of Candida in helping rid our bodies
of unwanted mercury. More recently microbes have been utilized to
remediate heavy metal contaminated soils. Within a year, 75% of the toxins
had been broken down. (Monachese)

Many toxic metals are ingested by us in our food. Arsenic, cadmium,
and lead have all demonstrated that they can be bound by
Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species in solution and in soils.
So it makes sense that they might also work the same way in the human
body. The microbiota can sequester heavy metals, binding them so that
they can be passed out in our stool.  Reid et al, report that many
probiotic strains have active enzymatic pathways that enhance
demethylation and reduction of mercury. Lactobacilli can expel
mercury and arsenic from cytosol by activating efflux transporters.
These metals are then recirculated in the bloodstream.

A group of Canadian researchers sought to look at just this.  They
gave probiotic supplemented yogurt to pregnant women and children who
had high serum levels of mercury and arsenic in Tasmania due to high
fish consumption.  The study recruited 44 school aged children.  The
study group received 25 grams of yogurt containing 1010 CFU L.
rhamnosus; the control group received an equivalent amount of whole
milk or no intervention. 18 children in each group finished the
study. There were also 24 pregnant women in two comparable control
groups. Levels of mercury and arsenic correlated with the amount of
fish consumed in all groups and were measured at the beginning and
end of the 25 day study utilizing 165S rRNA testing of stool samples.
Reduction of mercury and arsenic in the school aged children showed a
trend but did not achieve significance. In the pregnant women, there
were significant reductions in mercury and arsenic, while the control

Although this was a small pilot study or short duration, it opens the
door for more research into this area.  Using probiotic rich foods may
be a safe, inexpensive, and gentle way to prevent absorption of common
metals and to enhance heavy metal detoxification.

Prof. Liz Lipski, PhD, CCN, CNS, CFM, LDN
Director of Academic Development, Nutrition Programs. Maryland
University of Integrative Health. Now enrolling for Sept. master's,
post-master’s certificate, and doctorate's in Clinical Nutrition.
Find more information at:

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