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01 December 2019


 The enemy of my enemy is my friend?

If you are the 'enemy of MY enemy', you must be 'a friend to me', seems to be, and has been the definition for quite some time. It's how we wound up allied to the Russians during WWII, and boy did we get out from under that role quickly.
The definition seemed to interact well with US 'official' foreign policy, and from Vietnam onward, we were quick to a friend, and quicker to betray. (Faux-patriots who want to call me on that, slow down, and look it up, before you start to shoot your mouth off). 

The Montagnards had already felt that sting by the fall of Saigon in 1975. The war was begun, not in the interests of 'National Security', (though we were told that we were saving the world from Communism), but in the interests of those who profiteer from war. 

The Gulf of Tonkin incident was the pure False Flag event that was used to precipitate that war. The murder of Kennedy was probably 'somewhat' a false flag but in a secondary way. He was primarily, in the way of what needed to be done. We got into that war, based on a lie, and left with over 50000 of our own dead, and many others injured, and as to those who befriended and aided us, we offered abandonment. Nice touch.

I'm criticizing 'official' policy here, and not the average American, who was probably unaware of much of this. The greatest criticism I have for the 'average' American is their lack of 'paying attention', which leads to a lack of awareness. Living with the consequences of lies takes a while to take its toll, but a toll has been paid and more still coming.

9/11 was a false flag, just as was the Gulf of Tonkin, and the Battleship Maine in 1898. It's not just an 'American thing', as false flags were used in Europe to launch WWI, and Hitler turned the tables by using several of them early in WWII. We may be the first to have adopted those for the purposes of altering internal policy as well as foreign policy.

9/11 was the greatest false flag of the millennium and we are still paying for believing that lie, and those in the future will pay for those of us today, who not only live with that lie, but defend it as truth.

9/11 as a false flag, not proven, you say? That's fair BUT WEAK. The proof that the 'story' was true, is FAR FROM PROVEN, and in light of the MOUNTAINS of circumstantial evidence, the benefit of the doubt has to follow the 'prudent man' rule, rather the 'my country right or wrong' as propaganda has taught.

So here you have a wordy and extended plea for simply ONE THING.
PAY ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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