My question this morning contains material that is not questionable, nor does it contain anything that should not be seen by young folk! It does contain Christian material, so I have an obligation to alert all you cowards at Spacebook so that you can cover your eyes and ears, so that you will not be traumatized for the rest of your lives by the name of JESUS! I will try my best to post the alert every time I post Christian material! YOUR WELCOME! On a number of occasions when I've had the opportunity to speak with atheist or so called non-believers, I've been amazed at the things, (excuses) that they've dreamed up to avoid facing the reality of a simple thing like creation! My favorite is the big bang theory it's a "theory" folks that means there is no physical basis, no evidence, none whatsoever! What really bothers me is their need to call God names, to suggest that He is a liar, that God is a sinner, and so on! Why can't they just say that it's their belief that there is no God, no Creator? Hummm, there's that terrifying "hummm" again, I guess that's a sign that I'm confused by the denial of the obvious! So, how can anyone, except by personal choice, deny the existence of something or someone, if they truly believe that it, or they don't exist?? You do realize that there is no reason to deny something that does not exist----don't you? Their mentality would be like me making up something, saying that I don't believe in it and the denying it's existence----Ah Duhhhh! That's a double dose of "duhh"! My real problem with all of this lies in the question, how do you hate someone or something that you don't know, that you've never had contact with, never met, or had a relationship with? Sadly this is the mentality that we see in too many people today, a mentality that the world has exhibited for over 2000 years, since Jesus appeared on the scene. So, you hate God and Jesus, what pray tell did they ever do to you, to receive you denial, your hatred, your ridiculous excuses for espousing your contrived reason for calling yourself an atheist? Basically, it's like me forming an idiotic opinion of someone that I've never met, have no knowledge of or picked out of a book of names for babies, yep, it's just that ridiculous! Each time you deny God or Jesus for any reason, you chalk one up for the devil, that old serpent, Satan, you know that lying, cheating, deceiving enemy of God and Jesus! You can try to "splain" yourself, your love for God and Jesus, The Holy Ghost and God's Word to an atheist all you want, just don;t get discouraged if they don't get on board! I remember a man who got in my face yelling at me because I would dare to share my Christian belief with another person, he totally went off on me!
I smiled, I guess that you don't believe in God and then he went off again!
I have a suggestion, when you get done with your tirade, go outback of this building, shake your fist at the sky and call God out ! Dare Him to come down and give you His best shot! Immediately his face went flush, Sir, Sir, I may have said that I don't believe in God, but I never said that I don't fear Him! Yepper that's a true story folks, so goes the mentality of a so called atheist. Remember that God has no need of our opinions, He will however not forget your name or the reason why you will spend eternity in hell. In the end it's your call! HAVE A BLESSED DAY!

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