Blog Archive

24 February 2019

You have every adantage to succeed

Blog: My Unusual Road of Life...
by kerminator
You have been given Every Advantage needed to Succeed.
** You’ve been put in a perfect position to succeed.
Everything in the universe has brought you to this point so you can now shine and change your world. **

Date:   2/23/2019
You have been given Every Advantage needed to Succeed.

Why haven't you?

Because it’s easy to talk about how hard our lives are.
It’s easy to talk about how unfair life is. And that we always got the short end of the stick. This is just a sob story - or feeling sorry for yourself! Many people fail because they choose to claim and blame their life upon anything else - rather than learning from past experiences.

So how does this kind of thinking really help anyone? Never happens!

When we judge our situation as worse than someone else’s, we are ignorant, by saying incorrectly, “they’ve got it easy! Look at poor unfortunate me. Success must come easily to you because you haven’t had to deal with all that I’ve gone through.”
- i.e., " you have not seen the troubles I had!"

This paradigm has formally become known as having the victim mentality, and it generally leads to feelings of entitlement.
Does this tend to appear like the beginning; where you start to see the develope of the so-called "entitlement " system?

Indeed the world owes you nothing!
Life was never meant to be fair. However, the world has already given you everything you need. The truth is, you have every advantage in the world to succeed. Start by believing this down into your gut, where you can feel a plan of enormous responsibility to yourself and the world.

You’ve been put in a perfect position to succeed!
Everything in the universe has brought you to this point go forth and shine and changing your world. Because the world is your open field. Your natural state is to thrive. All you have to do is show up. Start living up to your potential - not following most of the world's system of domination and control!

God gave you free agency to seek the truth, plus the ability to and learn how to use it to live a better existence!
What are you waiting for?

The Government is not going to do it! Your culture is not going to do it for you.and your neighbors can not nor will not do it for you! You are responsible to and for yourself! Get busy!

Original Blog Post had a photo of some women on a beach in Zanzibar - bending over cropping seaweed.
{Sorry it did not copy here!}

*** These women were cropping seaweed for sale and food! They are not complaining they seek to make a living as God has directed. If you seek the truth, it will set your free! Sitting around and complaining is a dead- end road. Start doing something good for yourself and others. Life is too short to waste bitching and grumbling all the time!


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