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18 February 2019

A note on your relationship with God

Let's be honest this morning, after all, God commands that we tell the truth! The devil has created a world mentality that shuns the truth and in many cases even condones lying. This mentality has crept into society, even our churches leaving us with a lot to be desired, even questioned. 
When Jesus instructed us to spread His gospel to all the world, He did not mean that all true Christians had to travel the world spreading the Gospel, He meant for Christians wherever to spread, to share His Words, His Gospel, making The Gospel available to everyone, everywhere. 
This being said, the obvious elephant in the room is the question, when was the last time you were obedient to Jesus? If you have declared Jesus as your Savior, your Messiah, then you must also know that The Bible instructs you to "believe ON" Jesus which means to believe not only that He is your Savior, but in everything He said, including His instructions to you as a believer.. This is where the average Christians relationship with Jesus ends, comes to a halt, Christians believe that Jesus, for some unknown reason owes them something for claiming Him as their Savior, however most of these relationships are one way and thus not a "relationship" at all. Relationships are like relationships, nope I didn't stutter, a relationships requires more that one participant! Participating, hmmm another pesky word, a relationship with God and Jesus requires that we participate, and our participation comes in the form of instruction from Jesus. 
So that being said, where does that leave you in all of this, remember that God demands honesty, the truth, so, don't go searching for an answer, your service to Jesus should be on the tip of your tongue just like The Gospel. Please don't use the excuse that Salvation is by Grace and Grace alone, that your salvation is not based on "WORKS". Obedience to God and to Jesus is not works, it is the instruction to every Born Again believer, just like the instruction you receive from your boss to do your job! 
Yep, Salvation is by Grace and grace is a gift of God, that being said, you must remember that a gift is given by the giver, and in the case of Salvation, it's God's decision who will and who will not receive His Grace!. If you choose to ignore Jesus instruction, that's your decision, if God decides to overlook you for His gift of Grace, that's His decision! So, what have you been waiting on, will you be obedient and spread The Gospel of Jesus Christ or be like so many so-called Christians and ignore His command!

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