Twelve Days of Christmas
Please play the video below for a special Christmas message from Ty and Charlene

Day 12
The Perfect Words of Jesus Christ
Modern life can be challenging and overwhelming. Sadly, many people feel as though they face these struggles alone.
But the truth is, none of us are ever alone. We have the words of Jesus Christ to comfort us and empower us.
The words of Jesus Christ are the most important words ever spoken in the history of mankind. They are the actual words of God the Father that were spoken directly and audibly to this world.
And they are still speaking to our generation today!
The secrets of living this life in the present and into eternity are locked up inside His perfect words. Our dear friend, Monica Craichy, has compiled these perfect words of Jesus Christ into one beautifully designed volume, which will help you get to know Jesus in a deeper, more intimate way and have your life transformed through His life-giving power.
And this is why we wanted to share this wonderful book, The Perfect Words of Jesus Christ, with you as the last day of our “12 Days of Christmas" celebration.
His words are different from any other words because He was and is perfect, holy, blameless, and the one and only Son of God. They are the actual words of God the Father that were spoken directly and audibly to this world and are still speaking to our generation today! The secrets of living this life in the present and into eternity are locked up inside His perfect words.
Jesus’ words are multidimensional, perfect, power, wisdom, truth, supernatural, healing, living, spirit, miraculous, holy, and eternal. They are words overflowing with God’s great love for every person.
This life-changing book will give you strength, hope, direction, and encouragement in His words. And through the perfect words of Jesus, you can truly discover the abundant life that He came to give! Through the promises of the words of Jesus, you can know the heart of God, weather all of life storms, you’re your prayers answered, live in freedom and in the light, truly love God, have everlasting life with Him, and be filled with His joy in this life.
No other words on earth can do all that!
As our dear friend Monica says, “No one has had a greater impact on the people of this world than Jesus. And the words he spoke when he walked on earth more than 2,000 years ago are just as powerful today. I pray your life is blessed by the glory and majesty of God as you read the words of his Son compiled in this book.”
Christmas Blessings,
Ty and Charlene and the entire TTAC Team
“For to us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

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