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30 September 2018

“Who to follow” ?

“Who to follow” banner. Sociology professor Zeynep Tufekci dubbed YouTube “the Great Radicalizer” in a recent New York Times op-ed: “It seems as if you are never ‘hardcore’ enough for YouTube’s recommendation algorithm,” she wrote. “It promotes, recommends and disseminates videos in a manner that appears to constantly up the stakes.” 

Certain people have become so brazen as to think that only they have all the answers. Most on the Left say that many people do not understand the Liberal-Socialist camp!  Therefore their rhetoric seems to follow that they are the only real advantage for you!  They are about domination by way making people think that  Liberalism is going to take care of them!  But at what cost! 

How does this differ from the Right or Conservatives standpoint?

1) Personal Choice! People should always have the opportunity to choose who, what, why and how things will be handeled.

2) The Government must be open and free.

3) Follow the US Constitution.

4) Get US on a balanced - line item budget.

5) Enforce the laws equally for everyone.

I do not depend upon any online Mass Media for my information - I ferret out the real truth! 

It takes thinking, using God-given intelligence and Prayer - not guessing, hoping and watching the evening news! 

Once you understand this system - you will no longer be lead by pompous fools who only want to run your life and take your freedom! Let Freedom Ring!

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