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30 January 2015

What happened when the Crap master took over?

  Here's some food-for-thought, people. Back in 2007, before the election of Barack Obama, America was ranked 4th in Economic Freedom, out of 177 countries. In 2008, we ranked 5th. In 2009, when Obama took office (on January 20th of that year, although he pretended he was president already, complete with the background of a faux redo of the Oval Office), our country ranked 6th. And it was downhill from there. Our economy hadn't done that badly, since Clinton's second term.
But now? 
**  Notice the drag down of the US economy! 
It has been reported that America has now fallen out of the Top 10 countries listed in Economic Freedom. As a matter of fact, we rank TWELFTH.
The Top 10 are now:
1. Hong Kong
2. Singapore
3. Australia
4. Switzerland
5. New Zealand
6. Canada (Yes, Canada is now ahead of us. They used to be #10 -- four ranks below the U.S.)
7. Chile (isn't Chile a Third World country??)
8. Mauritius (an island east of the lower part of Africa)
9. Ireland
10. Denmark
Estonia (part of Russia) comes in at #11 and the United States of America, lands 12th.
 **  Surprise?
Well, why SHOULD we be surprised, since Obama complained even as early as 2004 (yes, he was being groomed for the position of POTUS a heck of a lot earlier than that), in an infamous interview with NPR, that the U.S. belonged on an even keel with the Third World countries and that our Constitution was a document that needed to be changed. That came from a person who hates America and EVERYTHING it stands for -- including FREEDOM; in this case, ECONOMIC freedom.
Sadly enough for those of us who did our research on this man, no one else paid the least bit of attention to the warning signs and we are now made to live in the same economy with those who, in my opinion, should not have been allowed to vote, unless they knew what they were actually doing.
It's a lot like getting a car. If you don't know how the car works and how to operate it, you shouldn't be driving. By the same means, if you don't know how the gov't operates, what voting entails or how important it is to the growth and economy of our country WHO we vote for, then you shouldn't be voting.
Just sayin'....
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