Blog Archive

31 October 2019

Cell fonTechnology?

** Part from
This article was originally published on August 3, 2018, by Popular Science, and is republished here with permission.


In 2017, Microsoft founder Bill Gates revealed he had both age and habit-related rules for his three children. "We don't have cellphones at the table when we are having a meal," he told The Mirror,, a British newspaper. "[W]e didn't give our kids [cell phones] until they were 14 and they complained other kids got them earlier." The rules about how long before bed phones had to be off probably wasn't popular either.

But the reasonings followed a similar pattern of logic: smartphones and related devices were useful for “homework and staying in touch with friends,” Gates said, but had the potential for “excess.”
The Gates kids may not have gotten cell phones until they were 14, but the average American gets their first phone at age 10. 

Today, 45 percent of teens say they are "online on a near-constant basis," according to a 2018 analysis by the Pew Research Institute. This, despite the fact that 45 percent of teens see social media neither good or bad and 24 percent see it as mostly negative.

And the statistics are just as bleak for adults. The average American spends 5 hours a day on their phone. That translates, according to one analysis, to touching, swiping, and tapping our phones 2,000 times between getting up and going back to sleep. Like a Lays potato chip, you can't "like" just once. While many adults need smart phones for work and other essential tasks, former Google employee Tristan Harris and his colleagues at the Center for Humane Technology modify their own behaviors by graying out their screens and turning off all (or all non-essential) notifications.

** Check the orig article from August 3, 2018, by Popular Science

30 October 2019

What are all the other things?

Note on Matthew 6:33

Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and the other things will be added unto you!

What are the “things” Jesus is speaking about?

They are the things listed in the previous verses.
 Specifically, the Lord said what we need to eat, where we sleep, and what we are clothed with will all be taken care of by God if we will seek first and foremost the Lord and His righteousness.

 If we put God first in our lives, God will supernaturally take care of our needs.

When God starts supplying our needs, He will do it better than we ever could. God is El Shaddai, not El Cheapo. He paves His streets with pure gold, and He makes His gates out of pearls (Revelation 21:21). 
God is extravagant. When He starts being our provider, His supply will be extravagant. If we aren’t tempted to be embarrassed at God’s abundant provision, then we haven’t fully tapped into His supply.

Notice the use of the word “first.” This is speaking of priorities. We have to focus some attention on earthly things, but they should never be our priority. God and His kingdom should always come first in our priorities, and when they are, He supernaturally takes care of all the natural things we need.

Andrew Wommack's Living Commentary.

Miracle Of The Donkey And Colt

Andrew Wommack

The Miracle Of The Donkey And Colt

John 12:14-15 'And Jesus, when he had found a young ass, sat thereon; as it is written, Fear not, daughter of Sion: behold, thy King cometh, sitting on an ass's colt.'

JOHN 12:14-15

This is the fulfillment of Zechariah's prophecy in Zechariah 9:9. Notice how specific Zechariah's prophecy is and how exactly it was fulfilled. Zechariah prophesied Jesus not only riding an ass, but also a colt (unbroken), the foal of an ass. Zechariah also mentioned the people rejoicing greatly and shouting which certainly came to pass on this day.

All four gospels include a triumphal entry, but only Matthew records a donkey with a colt. A simple explanation to a so-called 'contradiction' is that Jesus rode the colt while the other donkey went along. No doubt, He rode each animal part of the way.

Not only was it a miracle that Jesus knew about the ass and its colt, but also where they would be. God also worked some kind of miracle in the owner of these animals so that he would be willing to release them. It is possible that the Lord also revealed to this man that Jesus would need his animals.
Perhaps he was just a devoted follower of Jesus who gladly surrendered them when he knew Jesus was the one wanting them. Either way, it was just as much a miracle that the owner was willing to surrender them as it was that Jesus knew exactly where they would be.

Jesus hadn't been in Jerusalem in quite a while and there is no indication that He had made previous arrangements with anyone there to obtain this ass and its colt. This was nothing less than supernatural knowledge imparted to Jesus through the Holy Spirit. As Jesus did, let God's gifts flow through you today.

29 October 2019

Words created everything

Words are the keys to how we communicate and learn to use our God-given talents either for good or otherwise!

*** God directs us thru love and grace - All that we know was done by the Word(s) of God!
Note 6 at Colossians 1:4: One of the visible fruits of faith is love. Paul stated, “For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love” (Galatians 5:6)
John Wesley (1703-1791), the primary figure in and founder of Methodism in the eighteenth century believed that love, not faith became the final goal of our salvation. Faith is the “handmaid of love...
Biblical faith, for Wesley, is so entangled with love...that it does not exist without [it]...

Note 6 at Colossians 1:4: One of the visible fruits of faith is love. Paul stated, “For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth anything nor uncircumcision; but faith which works by love” (Galatians 5:6) to love with the love of God Himself shed abroad in the heart by the indwelling Holy Spirit. In his ‘Plain Account,’
Wesley summarized freedom as ‘nothing higher and nothing lower than governing the heart and life, through all our tempers, words, and actions’” (Five Views on Sanctification, Zondervan Publishing; brackets mine).
Christ’s love not only brings people to Himself (Romans 2:4), but it is the force that reaches out to others (1 John 4:20). Paul thanked God for the love that the Colossians had shown to each other. “True saving faith is more than a conviction of the mind. It transforms the heart to love” 
(MacArthur New Testament Commentary, Volume 12, p. 19).
Note on Colossians 1:4
Faith and love go hand in hand. Galatians 5:6 says faith works by love. If there isn’t genuine love, then it’s not genuine faith.
Notice that Paul heard of the Colossian's faith and love. This means these people were not direct converts of Paul’s. It’s probable that Epaphras (Colossians 1:7) was a convert of Paul’s in Ephesus and then Epaphras evangelized those who lived in Colosse.

Andrew Wommack's Living Commentary.

28 October 2019

Why was there no need for fancy buildings?

1 Corinthians 3:16

Life For Today Study Bible Notes
Note 7 at 1 Corinthians 3:16: One of the greatest differences between New Testament believers and Old Testament believers is the fact that New Testament believers are the temple of God. God Himself actually indwells them.

In the Old Testament, the Spirit of God would come upon people and anoint them for service. He even came within Old Testament prophets to inspire them to write the scriptures, but this was temporary. In the New Testament, the Lord indwells people through the new birth, and they become His permanent abode (see note 26 at John 14:16).

During the days of the Old Testament, men built God an elaborate temple in Jerusalem, and God said He would cause His name to dwell there so that people could pray to Him in that place (2 Chronicles 7:12-16). But now, in the days of the New Testament, God does not dwell in a building made by man’s hands. He now lives in the hearts of those who make Jesus their Lord (Romans 10:9).

This is why there is no need for fancy buildings for the New Testament church to meet in.
The building is no longer the temple of God. The believer’s spirit has become the temple of God.
If we had a real revelation of the reality of Christ in us (Colossians 1:27), it would drastically change our attitudes, emotions, and actions.
Note on Colossians 1:27
This verse is saying God wants to give me a supernatural revelation of Christ in me.
 I am saying, “Amen, so be it.”

Andrew Wommack's Living Commentary.

26 October 2019

How a 5 second decision can change your life

The Significance of Five Seconds:

It's estimated that Americans make about 35,000 decisions a day. And most of the time, those decisions are made unconsciously.

"We like to think we make decisions based on logic, based on what's best for our businesses," Robbins said. 
"The fact is that 95 percent of the decisions we make are based on the way we feel in the moment."

What's worse, negative emotions like fear, anger, and uncertainty seem to have a strong influence over our decisions.

Research shows there's a roughly five-second window of time between a thought, an idea, or intuition, and the brain's move to support it — or kill it.
"It turns out that inside that five-second window, your entire life and business, everything changes if you wake up and take control of that moment right before you're about to make a decision,"

The Science Behind the Hack
So how does a deceptively simple hack create such drastic change?

Here's how: Rather than defaulting to familiar defense mechanisms, counting backward from five (5-4-3-2-1) forces your brain to stop, focus, and occupy itself with something else. Your brain's no longer being hijacked by fear, doubt, anger, or any other powerful emotion that can lead to bad, knee-jerk decisions.
It also stimulates the the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that's active when you're changing behavior, when you're learning something new, or when you're directing your thoughts.

"So instead of letting your brain sabotage you, you're using a meta-cognition technique to switch the gears in our mind and make changing easy," Robbins said.

Not Just for Work

The five-second rule is useful whenever you're faced with decisions that don't serve you.
Should I hit the snooze button? 
Should I stay home and watch TV? 
Should I eat that extra donut?
 Should I skip that work meeting?
"In life, there is going to be stuff that happens to you. And in business, for sure," Robbins said.

"The game and the skill and the magic in life is making sure that your emotion and your feelings aren't dictating what you do."
"In life, there is going to be stuff that happens to you. And in business, for sure," Robbins said.

"The game and the skill and the magic in life is making sure that your emotion and your feelings aren't dictating what you do."


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This article was originally published on May 2, 2017, by Inc., and is republished here with permission.
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25 October 2019

Embrace The Holy Spirit

Embrace The Holy Spirit

John 16:7 'Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.'

JOHN 16:7

The Greek word translated 'expedient' means 'to be an advantage; profitable.'
How could any situation be more advantageous or profitable than having Jesus physically with you?
When Jesus walked on this earth in His physical body, He was subject to many physical limitations. For instance, He could not always be with every one of His disciples all the time. Through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, He could. Instead of Satan getting rid of Jesus, 120 'little Christs' (that is literally what the word 'Christian' means) came out of the upper room on the day of Pentecost.
Jesus taught His disciples as no teacher ever had, yet they had very little understanding because they were not born again. However, when the Holy Spirit came, He lead them into all truth and even showed them things to come.
The list of advantages of having the Holy Spirit in us as compared to having Jesus with us in His physical body, goes on and on. The advantages can all be summed up in that Jesus' power is now complete (Mt. 28:18) and no longer confined to one physical body.

There is no such thing as victorious Christian living without a moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day dependence upon the Spirit of God. Not only is the Christian life hard to live but it is impossible to live without the power of God Himself.

24 October 2019

Our Life Is In Him

Our Life Is In Him

John 15:4 'Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.'

JOHN 15:4

This is a profound truth, that is the key to bearing fruit, but it is so easy to forget. Because the fruit is borne on the branch, it is easy to credit the branch with the fruit, when it is the vine that drew the life from the earth and channeled it through the branch.

Likewise, since we are the branch through which the life of God flows, we sometimes think that it is our own holiness that produces the fruit. The moment we think that way, we are no longer abiding (trusting in; clinging to) in the vine and we will become fruitless if we persist in this mindset.
This is actually a great relief if the believer understands this and applies it properly. It puts all the responsibility on Jesus. Our only responsibility is to respond to His ability. In the same way that you have never seen a branch travailing to bring forth fruit, so all we have to do is labor to enter into His rest (trust and depend) and completely trust Jesus as our source (Heb. 4:11). If we abide in Him, the fruit will come naturally.

It's our faith in what Jesus did for us that saved us, and our faith has to continue to be in Christ, not in ourselves, to maintain salvation. Our holiness, righteousness, and justification are gifts that we receive in our spirits through Jesus.

Just like the life of a root is found in the soil, or a branch in the vine, or a fish in the sea, so the believer's true life is found in the union with Christ.

22 October 2019

How to raise smart, successful kids

We all want our kids to reach their full potential, but that doesn't mean running math drills. Author Kathy Hirsh-Pasek explains the "six C's" that kids need to succeed and why raising brilliant kids starts with redefining brilliant.
LA Johnson /NPR 
We all want to raise smart, successful kids, so it's tempting to play Mozart for our babies and run math drills for kindergartners. After all, we need to give them a head start while they're still little sponges, right?
"It doesn't quite work that way," says Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, a professor of psychology at Temple University and co-author of Becoming Brilliant: What Science Tells Us About Raising Successful Children with Roberta Golinkoff. She's been studying childhood development for almost 40 years.
So how does it work? NPR Education reporters and Life Kit hosts Anya Kamenetz and Cory Turner talk with Hirsh-Pasek about the "six C's" that kids need to succeed — collaboration, communication, content, critical thinking, creative innovation and confidence — and why raising brilliant kids starts with redefining brilliant.

This interview was edited for length and clarity.
Cory Turner: This is your golden opportunity to speak directly to all of these overzealous, anxious parents. And full disclosure, I have been one of them at times. Every parent is. So explain to us why we need to cool our jets.
Kathy Hirsh-Pasek: Cool your jets because it's healthier for your child. Let's look at what counts as success. Give me your take on these two definitions:One is your child's success is to be a good reader, a good writer and really good at math. We'll call that the traditional view.
Two is what I call the 21st century view of success: a happy, healthy, caring, child who grows up to be a collaborative person, a creative innovator, a thinking person and a social person, while also being a good citizen.
Turner: Oh, I'll take door No. 2.
Hirsh-Pasek: OK, the question then becomes how do you get there?
Pushing down the kind of math, reading and writing skills to younger and younger ages ain't gonna give you No. 2 because you're not building a full, whole child human being.
The science says that the human brain was actually built to endure wonderful, long-term relationships. One of my friends says it's a "socially gated brain."
Anya Kamenetz: Socially gated, what does that mean?
Hirsh-Pasek: Everything goes through the social. Everything we learn starts with collaboration and relationships. When you think of it, we aren't born ready to hop out of the womb and into the world. We have a lot of learning to do, and the learning is social.
Turner: You talk a lot about your six C's. The fundamentals [of] what every kid needs to thrive. The first of the six, the most fundamental, is collaboration.
Hirsh-Pasek: 'Tis indeed.
Turner: Why?
Hirsh-Pasek: Well, if it's really the case that we have this socially gated brain, and if we learn everything through relationships, or at least everything starts through relationships, I think collaboration is the most foundational piece of little humans trying to become bigger humans.
The next part that's built on collaboration is communication — that's grunts, first words, hand gestures and it's language. "How do I learn the contents of your mind? If I can tap into your mind, Mom I'm going to know so much more than I can do having to learn it all on my own."
Kamenetz: Does that mean we should monologue at our children constantly and never stop talking? [Laughter.]
Hirsh-Pasek: Monologue is not quite the way to do it. It has to be dialogue, that back and forth conversation. As parents, we sometimes jump in because the baby didn't say something fast enough, and we don't want any lull in that conversation. But if we let it lull for just a moment even 10-week-olds can start to have a conversation with us.
Now, once you have a good communication base built on a strong collaboration base, then you can have strong content skills. And that can be reading content, writing content. There's also learning-to-learn skills under content, and that's things like learning how to focus your attention.
The fourth C, critical thinking, has to happen on top of content.
The fifth C, creative innovation, also depends on having strong content and strong critical thinking. Because you have to hit the right buttons to know how to make something that's truly novel. It doesn't just come from monkeys and a jar of paint. It comes from actually being thoughtful.
And our last C is confidence. This is a very hard one for me as a parent, and I suspect for everyone as a parent, which is our children learn the most through failure. If we never let them fail, then they never know what it feels like to thrive and succeed. So it's a growth mindset. It's grit. The perseverance to keep at it even though the tower fell down when you tried to make it high.
So there are our six C's, each one built upon the other and they cycle and cycle like a spiral staircase.
Kamenetz: I want more examples of the six C's. One area that I know you've done some work on is at the grocery store. So what does it look like at the grocery store?

Hirsh-Pasek: When we're at the grocery store or the corner shop, we're often pretty rushed. We just want to get what's on the list and get out. As part of what we call our Playful Learning Landscapes experiments, we tried to change that dynamic just a little bit. So we put up these crazy signs that say "I'm a cow. Milk comes from a cow. What else comes from a cow?" We were curious, would having these silly signs make any difference to the way parents engaged in the grocery store? What were we looking for? Collaboration and communication. By gosh if we didn't get a 33% increase in the conversations when you put the signs up. It's interesting that you can change behavior by changing the environment around us.
Turner: I want to go back to the intersection of collaboration, communication and content. It seems to me in a classroom context that [kids] are more likely to learn to pick up the content and become better critical thinkers if they're doing that in a really collaborative context. How important is it to smush the desks together and get kids working together?
Kamenetz: And is that really the answer?

Hirsh-Pasek: I don't know that just smushing will work. It's a little more like creating a common goal and then trying to solve that goal together. And when you do that it's just so much richer.
It is amazing what our kids can do. I was taking my granddaughter Ellie — who was 3 at the time — we were just marching over to the playground and there happened to be a little forest area along the way. So I pointed out that this really cool thing happened whenever there was a break in the trees, but I didn't tell her that part. I said "Oh my gosh, what is that?" She goes, "I don't know." I said, "I think it's your shadow. That's so cool." And she tried to chase her shadow for a little bit. Then we went under a tree again, and of course the shadow disappeared. And then we came out from under the tree, and there it was again. So together we were doing a science experiment. And I said, "I wonder if I could predict when you're going to see your shadow." So we did. We tried to get to a hypothesis of when we might see that shadow, and by gosh if she didn't derive it.
Kamenetz: I want to know if you could illustrate for us a little bit about how the six C's work around things like getting our kids to help out around the house or motivation in school.

Hirsh-Pasek: There are fun games you can play that build on the six C's and get the motivation up.
It turns out that you learn better when things are joyful than when they're not joyful. So I bet your kids would help you a whole lot more if you made a game from the darks and the whites in that laundry room. Maybe you just have to throw it from different lines: a three-point line, two-point line, maybe even have the three-quarter-point line and the one-quarter-point line, and then they do fractions, right?

Play is active, not passive. And it turns out the way we learn is active, not passive. When we're sitting there like a couch potato we aren't learning as much as when we're doing.
It should be meaningful as opposed to meaningless, so when we're memorizing flashcards stuff, that's not play.
Generally, play is socially interactive as opposed to solo.
And it's iterative. That means each time you revisit it, there's something new to discover about it. I think you can have true play where the kid is the director, not the adult. And adults out there, don't interfere by jumping in and deciding what's going on with your child's play. Help by setting the environment and going with their story and supporting it.

21 October 2019

Jesus In The Flesh

Jesus In The Flesh

John 14:28 'You have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If you loved me, you would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my, Father is greater than I.'

JOHN 14:28

Jesus stated His union with the Father so clearly that He was accused of blasphemy more than once. This statement about the Father being greater than Jesus must harmonize, not contradict other claims.
A key to understanding this is given in Philippians 2:6-8, where Paul states that Jesus didn't think it was robbery to be equal with God, but humbled Himself, taking on the form of a servant (speaking of His humanity). Jesus was equal to God in His divine nature but He made Himself inferior to the Father in regard to His humanity. Jesus didn't lose any of His deity when He became a man, but He did clothe it in flesh and submit it to the consequent limitations. In this sense, the Father was greater than Jesus.
Jesus is the pre-existent God who chose to become a man so he could redeem us by His own blood sacrifice. When He became a man, He was still one hundred percent God in His spirit, but His physical body was one hundred percent human. His body was sinless, but it was still flesh and subject to the natural things we all experience. The physical Jesus had to grow in wisdom and in stature.
When Jesus was born, His physical mind did not know all things. He had to be taught how to talk, walk, eat, and so forth. He had to learn that He was God in the flesh and accept that by faith. His physical mind grew in awareness of who He was. He had the witness in His spirit, but His physical mind had to 'take it by faith'-the same way that we do when we believe who we are in the spiritual realm. Jesus' mental comprehension of His deity was something He learned and accepted by faith. Jesus had to become aware of His true identity through revelation and knowledge.We must do the same.

20 October 2019

God Is Our Comfort

God Is Our Comfort

John 14:16 '
And I will pray for the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;'

JOHN 14:16-17

Remember that Jesus was saying these things to His disciples so that they would not be offended. Jesus is speaking to His disciples about the Holy Spirit, who is the Comforter. The ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer is the front line of defense against the devil and his devices of defeat. The phrase, 'The God of all comfort' carries the idea of a divine comforter who encourages, refreshes, strengthens, aids, assists, and is an ever-present help in the time of need. The ways that God chooses to comfort are not always the same. He may deliver you or remove the cause of the affliction, or He may comfort you with words giving you hope for the future. He also uses people to share their faith with you by prophesying. He sends fellow-laborers to serve and strengthen you by the ministry of the Word and uses the body of Christ as a channel to comfort you, using prayer.

The point is that the source of all comfort is God, no matter what channel He chooses to use.

In 2 Corinthians 12:9, God revealed to Paul that His strength is made perfect in our weakness. Paul, who had experienced God's comfort in a way that perhaps no other man has, now reveals how the Lord accomplished this. It was through the power of the Holy Spirit. True Christianity is not the absence of trials, but the strength and comfort of Jesus through the Holy Spirit, that will bring us through to the other side.

Even a strong metal container with a vacuum inside will be crushed just by normal atmospheric pressure. But that same container, with an equal or greater amount of pressure inside, will be just fine.
 Likewise, an individual who is void of God's comfort inside will be crushed by the pressures of this life. But a believer who takes advantage of the comfort available to him through the Holy Spirit can withstand anything.

 Victory is not dependent on the pressures without, but rather on the comfort within.

19 October 2019

Pray to Remit another's sins!

Stand against the Devil {evil} in your life!

2 Corinthians 4:4 New International Version (NIV)

The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

 Each person has a free choice to accept the truth and not live a punishing, dominated and wasted existence! God does not move in people's lives without their cooperation! God puts many barriers and obstacles in front of people to slow or detour them from sin and destruction! 

Some will say why did God do this or that when most of the time it was their choice? Unbelief prevents God from doing what He wants in people's lives today! God does not violate your free choices! Pray that His Will be manifest in your life!

You can not play the devils- advocate and continue to seek God's favor or support! {i,e, You can not yield to the Devil, giving him total control in your life and expect to reap the benefits from a godly life!}
 It is not because God will not flow or that He sees you as being unworthy.  However, in order to see his provision or His Will or manifest you must cooperate with Him! 

 Another way to pray for a person is to remit their sins.
 Remit - to cancel or refrain from exacting or inflicting (a debt or punishment).

As: "the excess of the sentence over 12 months was remitted"
synonyms:To: cancel, set aside, revoke, repeal, rescind, abrogate, suspend
- "The fines imposed on the Earl of Lancaster were remitted"
Contrary to what people have taught to Remit - it does not mean you can forgive someone of their sin(s). You do not have the power to forgive sins. However, you can remit them.
When someone with cancer is symptom-free, it is said they are in a state of remission. If the problem is in Remission, that does not mean that the cancer is gone, just that there are no visible signs of it! 
So when the Word of Scripture says that you can remit sins, it does not mean that you can deal with the effects of sin in people's life.  You can only set aside someone's sin(s).

Pray for the truth and it will make you free!

18 October 2019

There Is Only One Way To The Father

There Is Only One Way To The Father

John 14:5 
 'Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?'

JOHN 14:5-6

Thomas knew Jesus. He just didn't realize Jesus was 'the way.' Likewise, people, today know portions of God's Word but they don't realize that God's Word is their way to victory. Often, people cry out for God to speak to them while their Bible lays unopened on their nightstand. God has spoken to us through His Word. We just need to believe it and receive its truths as our way to victory.

Jesus didn't say: 'I am a way, a truth, and a life.' He claimed to be the only way, truth, and life. No man can come to the Father except through Jesus. This means that anyone who claims to honor Jesus while advocating other ways to get to God, truth, or life, besides Jesus, is deceived or a deceiver.

Jesus' claims about Himself, of which there is only one, left no room for other means to salvation. He is either who He says He is, or He is the greatest deceiver of all time. His own statements about Himself leave no other alternatives. Therefore, other religions that recognize Jesus and His teachings as wonderful examples, but don't believe He is the only way to achieve salvation, are false.

The Word of God is a spiritual book written under the direction of the Holy Spirit. It was not written to our head but to the innermost part of our hearts. This is why some people find the Bible so hard to understand. They are trying to comprehend it using only their minds.

 The Word of God has to inspire our hearts before it can enlighten our minds.

17 October 2019

“the interpretation of tongues.”

As Paul delineates nine of the gifts of the Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, the last on his list is “the interpretation of tongues.” Later in that chapter, he again refers to interpretation in his denial that anyone gift is granted to all Christians (v. 30b). In his instruction on how believers are to arrive at any particular corporate assembly, he says that whereas one may come with a hymn, another with a word of instruction, another with a revelation from God, another with a tongue, one may also come with “an interpretation” (1 Cor. 14:26).

Here are ten things to keep in mind regarding this spiritual gift. 

1. Someone Must Interpret What Is Spoken in Tongues at Gatherings

Paul envisions that in any meeting of God’s people upwards of “two or at most three” may speak in tongues, “each in turn,” which is to say, not simultaneously but one after the other. Once they have concluded, he insists that “someone interprets” (1 Cor. 14:27b).

Although the apostle doesn’t say so explicitly, it may be that he envisions only one person to provide the interpretation of all three utterances in tongues. It is entirely possible, on the other hand, that each utterance in tongues will have its own individual interpreter. 

If no one is present at any particular corporate assembly, no one should speak in tongues.


How does the principle of idiosyncrasies impact your life!?

15 October 2019

God doesn't see us as a failure - just a learner.

Our Success Is In God

God doesn't see us as a failure - just a learner.

Matthew 26:33 'Peter answered and said unto him, Though all men shall be offended because of thee, yet will I never be offended.'

Just like Peter, we are often more confident of ourselves than God is. Many Christians are devastated when they fail in some area that they thought they had long since grown past. We need to realize that as long as we are in this mortal body, we cannot fall asleep at our battle station against the works of the flesh. If we do, our flesh is just as capable of sin as anyone else's. If we fall, it should concern us but not surprise us.

We should simply realize with Paul, that 'in my flesh dwelleth no good thing,'. Learn get back into the spirit through confession and forgiveness, and go on with Jesus.
The Lord has never had anyone who was qualified working for Him. Peter wasn't qualified, and even at our best, neither are we. If we realize that we are nothing and have nothing, then we are prime candidates to be used by God.

Peter went on to become probably the best known of the twelve apostles. The Lord used him mightily. But He didn't want him, or us, to forget that it was Christ in Peter and not Peter himself who was great.

This also illustrates the extent of our Father's love and forgiveness. If God not only forgave Peter for his sin, but also reinstated and advanced him, then surely we have not pushed God's grace beyond its limit. Where sin abounds, grace abounds much more.

God doesn't see us as a failure - just a learner. God can redeem the worst 'failure' and work it together for good (Rom 8:28).

We need to think like God.

14 October 2019

Love Comes First

Love Comes First

John 13:35 
 'By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another.'

JOHN 13:35

Jesus didn't say that all men would know we are His disciples by our doctrine, our rituals, our hatred for sin, or even by the way we express our love for God. He said very clearly, that the one characteristic that would cause the world to identify us as His followers, is our love, one for another.

This same night, the Lord prayed to His Father using this same thought saying, 'That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me' (Jn. 17:21).
 The only way that Christ's body will be one as the Father and Jesus are One, is through God's kind of love.

Unity of believers, that can only come through a genuine God-kind of love, is the greatest tool for evangelism that the church has or will ever have, according to Jesus. The early church didn't have the massive organizational structures that we see today or the ability to travel anywhere in the world in just a matter of hours. They certainly did not come close to spending as much money, in proportion to us, to spread the gospel. And yet, the pagans of Thessalonica said of Paul and his companions, 'These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also' (Acts 17:6).
They had evangelized the known world in less than thirty years.

Before we can ever fulfill the great commission of Matthew 28:19-20, there must be a revival of love in the church, where doctrine and ritual take a 'back seat' to love for one another.

13 October 2019

The "New" Revelation Of Love

A New Revelation Of Love

John 13:34 'A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.'

JOHN 13:34

Jesus previously stated that all the law and the prophets were dependent on loving God first, and then loving your neighbor as yourself. These truths were already in the law but people missed them. So, this commandment was not new in the sense that it had never been given before, but it was brought to the forefront and given new meaning through the example of Jesus. Jesus not only loved His neighbor as Himself, He loved us more than Himself.

John, the apostle who wrote this gospel, later wrote about the new commandment of love. No doubt, he received his inspiration from this teaching of Jesus. John wrote, 'Brethren, I write no new commandment unto you, but an old commandment which ye had from the beginning.
 The old commandment is the word which you have heard from the beginning. Again, a new commandment I write unto you, which thing is true in him and in you: because the darkness is past, and the true light now shines' (1 Jn. 2:7-8). 

He then goes on to speak of loving one another.

This commandment, or the revelation that God gave to man through His Word, wasn't new, but was never clearly seen by men because of the darkness that separated them from God. In the light of Jesus' life, the darkness was removed and the old commandment of love became new through the example of Jesus in a way that mere words could never express.

12 October 2019

The Absolute Truth is that which never changes

Blog: Forgotten Words!
by kerminator
So what is the truth? 1 of 1000 questions
*** Friedrich Nietzsche famously suggested that an ancient, metaphysical belief in the divinity of Truth lies at the heart of and has served as the foundation for the entire subsequent Western intellectual tradition:

"But you will have gathered what I am getting at, namely, that it is still a metaphysical faith on which our faith in science rests--that even we knowers of today, we godless anti-metaphysicians still take our fire too, from the flame lit by the thousand-year old faith, the Christian faith which was also Plato's faith, that God is Truth; that Truth is 'Divine'***

Date:   6/2/2016  ... viewed 893 times
Why, bottle the truth?

** If someone could bottle the Truth exactly how exactly would it appear?

Thus what is truth?

*** -

Truth is most often used to mean:

{1} being in accord with fact or reality,

[2} or fidelity to an original or standard.

{3} Truth may also often be used in modern contexts to refer to an idea of "truth to self," or authenticity.

The commonly understood opposite of truth is falsehood, which, correspondingly, can also take on a logical, factual, or ethical meaning.

The concept of truth is discussed and debated in several contexts, including philosophy, art, and religion.

Many human activities depend upon the concept, where its nature as a concept is assumed rather than being a subject of discussion; these include most
(but not all) of the sciences, law, journalism, and everyday life.

Some philosophers view the concept of truth as basic, and unable to be explained in any terms that are more easily understood than the concept of truth itself.

Commonly, truth is viewed as the correspondence of language or thought to an independent reality, in what is sometimes called the correspondence theory of truth.

Other philosophers take this common meaning to be secondary and derivative.
According to Martin Heidegger, the original meaning and essence of "Truth" in Ancient Greece was unconcealment (or openly displayed), or the revealing or bringing of what was previously hidden into the open, as indicated by the original Greek term for truth, "Aletheia."

On this view, the conception of truth as correctness is a later derivation from the concept's original essence, a development Heidegger traces to the Latin term "Veritas."

Pragmatists like C.S. Pierce take Truth to have some manner of essential relation to human practices for inquiring into and discovering Truth, with Pierce himself holding that Truth is what human inquiry would find out on a matter, if our practice of inquiry were taken as far as it could profitably go:
"The opinion which is fated to be ultimately agreed to by all who investigate, is what we mean by the truth..."

Various theories and views of truth continue to be debated among scholars, philosophers, and theologians.

Language and words are a means by which humans convey information to one another and the method used to determine what is a "truth" is termed a criterion of truth.

There are differing claims on such questions as what constitutes truth: what things are truth bearers capable of being true or false;
how to define and identify truth; the roles that faith-based and empirically based knowledge play; and whether truth is subjective or objective, relative or absolute.

Friedrich Nietzsche famously suggested that an ancient, metaphysical belief in the divinity of Truth lies at the heart of and has served as the foundation for the entire subsequent Western intellectual tradition:

" But you will have gathered what I am getting at, namely, that it is still a metaphysical faith on which our faith in science rests--that even we knowers of today, the godless anti-meta physicians still take our fire too, from the flame lit by the over two thousand-year old faith, the Christian faith which was also Plato's faith, that God is Truth;
that Truth is 'Divine'!"

The English word truth is derived from Old English tríewþ, tréowþ, trýwþ, Middle English trewþe, cognate to Old High German triuwida, Old Norse tryggð. Like troth, it is a -th nominalisation of the adjective true (Old English tréowe).

The English word true is from Old English (West Saxon) (ge)tríewe, tréowe, cognate to Old Saxon (gi)trûui, Old High German (ga)triuwu (Modern German treu "faithful"), Old Norse tryggr, Gothic triggws,[8] all from a Proto-Germanic *trewwj- "having good faith", perhaps ultimately from PIE *dru- "tree", on the notion of "steadfast as an oak" (e.g., Sanskrit "dru" tree).[9] Old Norse trú, "faith, word of honour; religious faith, belief"[10] (archaic English troth "loyalty, honesty, good faith", compare Ásatrú).

Thus, 'truth' involves both the quality of:
and that of "agreement with fact or reality",
in Anglo-Saxon expressed by sōþ (Modern English sooth).

All Germanic languages besides English have introduced a terminological distinction between truth "fidelity" and truth "factuality". To express "factuality", North Germanic opted for nouns derived from sanna "to assert, affirm", while continental West Germanic (German and Dutch) opted for continuations of wâra "faith, trust, pact" (cognate to Slavic věra "(religious) faith", but influenced by Latin verus). Romance languages use terms following the Latin veritas, while the Greek aletheia, Russian pravda and South Slavic istina have separate etymological origins.


The truth can not be destroyed or changed - it will stand forever unchanged!
Always the Absolute Truth!

People can and will attempt to alter or manipulate the truth - yet it is what it is {remains unaltered} no matter what is done!

The Truth is Eternal like God's Word! Because God's Word is the sole Source or Standard of all truthful items or things!
Both physical and Spiritual.

While the real Absolute Truth has been:
and even at times in the limited minds of the total controllers of this world destroyed -
yet it will always be!

Why do so many hate or dislike the truth?

Well mainly because it disproves their false ideas and stupid ways of doing things...

The old swearing in at courts was the proof positive statement of getting at the Truth!

" Do you swear to tell the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth, so help me, God? "

The truth comes into play each and every day! The truth is continually here in full existence - believe it or not!

What we must learn to do is seek the Absolute Truth!
All else if a falsehood!

Here is an article on the truth of Noah's Arc:
{ Which I have studied and found to be based upon the Absolute Truth!}

1981: Turkey
After studying the results of his work, Ron Wyatt concluded that the object was the remains of a ship, which exactly matched the Biblical description, and dimensions of Noah’s Ark.

From his evidence, he believed that this vessel had initially landed further up the hillside, and that at a later date, this ship had been engulfed in a mudslide, or a lava flow, which had carried it down the mountain, to where it sits now. Its progress down the mountain appeared to have been stopped by a large rock outcrop, which had impaled the right side of the boat, holding the vessel in position, where it then became buried by the mud, and preserved.

In October 1990, Ron Wyatt accompanied by Richard Rives, attempted a mini excavation, using modified shovels, to gently scrape the outer surface of weathered material, away from the exposed ribs of the ship.

When that task was completed, the different colors of the newly exposed rib material, could be more clearly seen, contrasting against the darker soil matrix.

** see more @

Ron Wyatt was a devoted and determined servant of God in these last days - he just followed the direction of God and went on to find not only the Noak's Ark, also Sodium and Gomorrah, the Red Sea Crossing, (the real) Mt.Sinai {located in Arabia), and located the site of the Ark of the Covenant out side of Jerusalem.

Ron Wyatt was a inspired servant of God in these last days...

If this post does not stir your emotions and cause you to wonder what is the Absolute Truth? Then you have little or no real understanding of the meaning of the Truth!

Because The Truth eludes you!

10 October 2019

What Japan can teach us! Clean up or Shut up!

Most first-time visitors to Japan are struck by how clean the country is (Credit: Ian Dagnall/Alamy)
The easy answer is that residents themselves keep it that way. “For 12 years of school life, from elementary school to high school, cleaning time is part of students’ daily schedule,” said Maiko Awane, assistant director of Hiroshima Prefectural Government’s Tokyo office. “In our home life as well, parents teach us that it’s bad for us not to keep our things and our space clean.”

You may also be interested in:
• Japan’s unusual way to view the world
• The complex art of apology in Japan
• The truth about mindfulness

Including this element of social consciousness in the school curriculum helps the children develop an awareness of, and pride in, their surroundings. Who wants to dirty or deface a school that they have to clean up themselves?

“I sometimes didn't want to clean the school,” recalled freelance translator Chika Hayashi, “but I accepted it because it was part of our routine. I think having to clean the school is a very good thing because we learn that it’s important for us to take responsibility for cleaning the things and places that we use.”

On arriving at school, students leave their shoes in lockers and change into trainers. At home, people leave their street shoes at the entrance. Even workmen coming to your house will remove their shoes and go around in their socks. And as the schoolchildren grow, their concept of what constitutes their space extends beyond the classroom to include their neighbourhood, their city and their country.
** This builds into a more involved and better understanding of space to live in better harmony!  

08 October 2019

To Wash or Not

A dramatic reenactment of washing fruit. DepositPhotos

There’s a lot to worry about when it comes to food—or rather, there’s a lot that people want you to worry about. Every mommy blogger and natural living life coach with a URL to their name is bursting with helpful tips on how to rid yourself of toxins and chemicals. If you google “how to get pesticides off fruit” you’re greeted by a flurry of blogs all promising the solution.
It’s not unreasonable to want to consume fewer of the chemicals we use to kill off bugs and weeds. You should just make sure that what you’re doing is actually effective. Plenty of people wash their chicken before cooking it, even though that method does nothing to kill bacteria, and in fact spreads potentially dangerous pathogens all over your kitchen sink and such. So let’s look at the evidence:

Store-Bought Veggie Washes Don’t Work, But Baking Soda Does

Water can remove some of the pesticides from a piece of fruit, so a basic scrub under the tap will help at least a little. The extent to which this rather lackadaisical method works will depends on the fruit itself; some skins will more readily release the pesticides contained therein. Others, like apples treated with wax for extra shine, will retain them despite your scrubbing. But water’s occasional ineffectiveness doesn’t mean you should waste money on store-bought veggie washes—they don’t seem to work, either. And even if it worked (which it’s not clear that it does), regular soap is liable to seep into the surface.
A recent study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found one better alternative: baking soda. A solution of sodium bicarbonate and water can remove even more pesticides than water alone, provided you have more than a minute to spare. In the experiments, Gala apples that were allowed to soak in baking soda for eight minutes had significantly reduced pesticide residue on the surface, and at 12-15 minutes there were virtually no pesticides left. This is because sodium bicarbonate can help degrade the two types of pesticides used in this study, thiabendazole and phosmet. Other chemicals might not react the same way, so this solution isn’t a guarantee of a pesticide-free snack. It’s just a lot better than the alternatives.
Even after the long soak time, though, there were some pesticides that the baking soda couldn’t get to. Thiabendazole and phosmet, like many other substances, seep into the skin and flesh of the produce they’re applied to. There’s an upper limit to the amount that the fruit can absorb, since the added chemicals will come to an equilibrium inside the cells, but none of it will come out in the wash.

Buying Organic Can Help, Though Not Much

If you’re hoping to avoid pesticides altogether, you’ll have to look beyond the organic aisle. Produce grown under organic conditions can still have pesticides, it’s just a different—and supposedly less toxic—set of them. But they’re still chemicals that can seep into your fruit through the skin or even leech into the flesh itself via the plant’s water supply, both of which prevent you from washing them away.
The most common piece of advice here is to avoid those fruits that pose more of a pesticide risk, often known as the “Dirty Dozen.” An environmental group called the Environmental Working Group has claimed that switching to the organic versions of those 12 fruits and veggies could substantially improve your health. It’s true that organic versions will generally contain fewer and less harmful chemicals, and there’s certainly no harm in eating organic, but it’s worth noting that EWG’s methodology is far from scientific. Their analysis relied on unproven theories about how pesticides might interact with one another, and thus has skewed results. A rebuttal in the Journal of Toxicology found that EWG didn’t even attempt to estimate pesticide exposure in the first place, and that “substitution of organic forms of the twelve commodities for conventional forms does not result in any appreciable reduction of consumer risks.”
In other words: science does not back up the Dirty Dozen advice. But it’s your money; you can eat organic if you want to.

It’s Not Clear How Worried You Should be About Those Pesticides in the First Place

That same Journal of Toxicology analysis also found that the levels of pesticides detected in the so-called Dirty Dozen all fell below the acceptable limit set by the Environmental Protection Agency. And we’re not talking just slightly below the limit. The allowable dose for methamidophos on bell peppers was 49.5 times higher than the actual amount of pesticide, and that was the fruit with the highest exposure. Many of them came 1,000-or 30,000-fold under the legal limit. It is worth noting that legal limits aren’t infallible. Human exposures and their bodily impacts are difficult to study (and oft under-studied), and too often we don’t know exactly how a particular pesticide might affect us.

If the EPA bases their acceptable limit on faulty science, it may overestimate how much exposure we can tolerate. And that’s assuming that the EPA is even doing their job properly in the first place.
If you’re still not sure—maybe you don’t trust the EPA, or you think pesticides haven’t been studied well enough (both perfectly fair points)—try going to your local farmer’s market. There, you can talk to the growers and discuss which pesticides they use. Of course, there seems to be an ever-growing trend of farmer’s markets filling up with folks simply reselling wholesale produce.
 So you might want to do an extra baking soda wash just to be sure.
This article was originally published on October 25, 2017, by Popular Science, and is republished here with permission.

07 October 2019

The use of deadly force

These are the common sense rules form -

What to do when confronted by an armed or deadly attacker!

The rules surrounding the use of deadly force are pretty clear: You can use your gun to defend yourself, but when the threat stops, you must stop shooting. The situation may be fluid and dynamic, but remembering the rules will keep you out of trouble.
This surveillance video of a fight that ended in gunfire inside a Walmart shows how a woman went from being the victim of a crime to being charged with a crime in just a few seconds. The attack was brutal, and the local prosecutor said the woman had the right to fire her first five shots in self-defense. The two final shots, which she fired after taking a few steps toward her fleeing attacker, put her on the receiving end of a felony charge.
Remember, deadly force can only be used against an imminent deadly threat. Once the threat stops, you must stop using deadly force. If the bad guys run away, let them run away. Your goal is to stop the assault, not administer justice. You can’t keep shooting just because you are mad. You have to be able to reasonably articulate that you were in imminent fear of death or great bodily harm.

What If…

What if the attacker runs away but then comes back? You can’t claim fear of death if the attacker is running away. You can’t claim fear of death if the attacker runs away and stops 20 yards away to curse you. But you can claim that you feared for your life if the attacker ran away, stopped and came back toward you as you backed up and shouted verbal commands for him to stop. That makes a pretty clear case to investigators that you weren’t instigating the violence but rather putting an end to it. Every action will be reviewed by investigators. Be smart. Stop shooting when the threat stops.

05 October 2019

What is Al Walaa wal Baraa - an easy version:

** From a Blogger in Canada 

 Al Walaa wal Baraa - an easy version: 

 Al Walaa wal Baraa is the doctrine of adherence and dis-association. It's the best-supported doctrine within the Quran (and, for those who look further, in the Hadiths and the Sira).

Exactly what is this?

It is the doctrine of Islamic apartheid. Muslims are to have their separate socializing, free from the contamination of kafirs (a very negative word for non-Islamics) who tend to weaken their faith and make them adopt the lifestyle of disbelievers. In other words, Muslims are to have a separate, parallel society.

If it were only separation, it would be one thing. But it is not enough for Islamics just to hate kafirs, they must - according to this core aspect of Islam - show disdain, and humiliate kafirs. This is established in the Quran, Hadiths, Sira, and the Tafsirs
(Islamic 'canonical commentaries').

It is important to note that al Walaa wal Baraa is an essential doctrine - literally "essential of the faith"
(usul ud-deen). This means that Muslims who do not believe and practice it cannot go to paradise. They are called hypocrites (murtad) in the Quran.

This doctrine is the opposite of the Golden Rule.

Al Walaa wal Baraa is also the reverse of the modern Western concepts of tolerance, and of celebration of diversity.

So Islam is inherently intolerant of any ideology other than its own. Islam celebrates uniformity and compliance.

Here is an explanation for children who play "I'm the king of the castle, you're the dirty rascal." The king of the castle: that is Islamics. The dirty rascals: that's everyone else. A difference between the game and Islam is that, in Islam, it's not fun and games, with sometimes one child and sometimes another being the king. Islamics are always to be on top. Everyone else is always to be hated, ridiculed, humiliated, etc.

 OFFICIAL version:.

‘Al Walaa wal Baraa’ – (Allegiance and Disassociation) is an Islamic doctrine that is very similar to apartheid.

‘Al Walaa wal Baraa’ is an 'essential doctrine' (usul ud-deen). ‘Essential’ means that all Muslims must believe and practice al Walaa wal Baraa as a condition of being admitted to paradise.

‘Al Walaa wal Baraa’ is a highly developed, well-supported and canonical part of Islam approved by the consensus of Islamic jurists.

‘Al Walaa wal Baraa’ is legally binding and obligatory upon all Muslims.

‘Al Walaa wal Baraa’ is precisely defined by Islamic jurists and is not a nebulous idea

‘Al Walaa wal Baraa’ is an official Islamic doctrine and considered the second most important doctrine in Islam.

Definition of ‘Al Walaa wal Baraa’ from Islamic sources:

from The Islamic Concept of al-Walaa' wal-Baraa' by Khalid El-Gharib: "to show enmity to those who show enmity to Allaah and His Messenger.”
(i.e. Muslims are to visibly demonstrate their enmity towards the kufaar - non-Muslims)
from a lecture given by Sheikh Abdullah al-Faisal (H.A.):
"The implication of al-Baraa is that one HATES for the sake of Allah

(SWT)…Al-Baraa means to recognize who your enemies are and to HATE them and EXTERMINATE them in their Endeavour to get rid of your Deen, al-Islam…Al-Baraa is to HATE the people who propagate Baatil (falsehood)—the Muslim should HATE them and (at least desire to) KILL them when the time comes."
(i.e. the hatred of Muslims toward the kufaar is for the purpose of ethnic cleansing)

Examples of Baraa from historic Islamic leaders:

from Ahmad Sirhindi (1564-1624): "The honour of Islam lies in insulting kufr and kafirs. One who respects the kafirs dishonours the Muslims...

The real purpose of levying jiziya on them is to humiliate them to such an extent that they may not be able to dress well and to live in grandeur.
They should constantly remain terrified and trembling. It is intended to hold them under contempt and to uphold the honour and might of Islam."

from Book of Emaan, by ibn Taymiyya,: "... true believers show animosity and hatred towards disbelievers and never support them.”

from Abd-Allaah al-Ashqar,
"Belief in Allah," by Umar Sulayman,: "The Muslim should regard the Kuffaar as enemies and hate them because of their kufr, just as he hates their kufr (disbelief) itself."

from Al Walaa wal Baraa According to the Aqeedah of the Salaf, by Sheikh Muhammad Saeed al Qatani, authoritative Saudi Sharia lawyer and imam at the Abu Bakr and Al Furqan Mosques in Mecca:

"The doctrine of al Wala wal Baraa is the real image for the actual practice of this faith."


The 3 Key Concepts of Islam

by Robert Frankling

There are three essential doctrines of Islam ('usul-ud-deen' -
'essential of the faith').

They come in pairs:

1) Singleness of God and; Final Prophet;

2) Al Walaa wal Baraa;

3) Jihad and; Hegira.

The first essential doctrine is the premise of Islam.

The second is the 'emotion' of Islam. This has been dealt with above.

The third is the 'method' of Islam.

The third doctrine is how to implement the 'emotion' of Islam, through battling the kafirs (non-Islamics - lowest of the low).
The 'method' of Islam proceeds by a 'swing' of advance & retreat. It is fighting & emigration, or fighting & withdrawal to fight another day.

Hegira is the insertion period, followed by jihad against the 'near enemy'.
We are seeing the hegira in Europe, Australia and North America at this moment.

We are also seeing the 'near enemy' jihad in Europe, Australia and North America, but it is only the beginning of this war.

Jihad takes four forms:
1) military fighting (the sword)
2) fighting with the tongue
3) fighting with the pen
4) fighting with money
(financing military or other jihads).

Muslims must obligatorily participate in jihad, since it is an 'usul-ud-deen',' an 'essential of the faith' that is 'essential for salvation' and admission to the Islamic paradise.
A Muslim who does not participate in the 4 forms of jihad will die a 'hypocrite' and go to hell.


Note: no Islamic has put forward a motion, in any Western country, that would mandate making known these 3 concepts to all non-Islamics.
The second and third concept certainly don't make it into school texts aimed at non-Islamics.

Instead, throughout the West, there's attention to stopping so-called Islamophobia and criminalizing freedom of speech about Islam.

It may be more than high time for non-Islamics to put more effort into popularizing knowledge of Islam.


a Live "Energy" Mini-Workshop (15 min) on Undoing Islamo-catatonia.

I've long been interested in this thing called "energy." Energy balancing. Energy blockages. Energy healing. Most of the people paying attention focus on the individual.
For me, when I think of the West and Islam, I have the sense of huge blockages.

It's all so simple, from one perspective: Islam is against just about everything the West is for. But we all know that millions upon millions of people in the West won't recognize this, push away information with comments like, well, I know nice Muslims, or, there's good and bad in all religions.

How to undo the blockages?
We get out facts. Yes.
We appeal to the emotions. Yes.

I have a third suggestion.
If it interests you, I suggest we try "energy work" on the blockages.

Note: this is entirely secular.
It doesn't go against any religious tradition, but it's just as accessible to atheists. Why?
As all of us have probably heard many times, "everything is energy."

Might any of you be interested in this somewhat strange approach to, for instance, dealing with Islamo-catatonia? I don't know.

Some people were interested when, more than a year ago, I had an "energy circle" to go with the prayer circles that Heidi Mund was organizing around the border of Germany, to raise awareness of the dangers Islam poses to Germany.

I'm going to be starting next Sunday,
11 am Eastern time, 8 am Pacific time (All the rest of you will have to look up what time it is, wherever you are.)
I expect to do this at least 4 times, and to make it ongoing if there is interest.

It will be around 15 minutes.
It will be audio only. Afterwards you will be able to listen at any time.

This will be the link:

If you know this interests you, please press reply and add ENERGY STUFF to the subject line. I'll send you a reminder.

And now, an interview.
Last week I wrote about, Are You Brainwaished? and I mentioned al Walaa wal Baraa. This week I was interviewed on these things by C.V. Berton.
Here's the interview:

And with that, all the best to all of us who care deeply, and dare to do what we can,


PS. You're welcome to post any of this on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Please include the link:

PPS. If you want to write to Canadian MPs about this - or about anything, here is contact information:

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Are You Brainwashed?

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