Blog Archive

15 May 2019

It is all right! - Part 1

This morning as my wife and I ate breakfast, we reminisced on our family.
How so often we complain about the little things that happen as we go about everyday activates! Some of our younger Grandchildren had been over and We discussed how they interact and respond.

Sometimes we tend to only see their actions as a so so occurrence or a matter of the moment thing. Yet in retrospect I come to realize that their antics and actions are spontaneous. We adults seem to just over look them as just part of growing up - which it is, yet it is far more! 

It is actually a key part of their being part of our heartfelt connections in life. Once we can come to realize how even the most mundane everyday things are actually part of our eternal soul. While some of the actions may seem minor and everyday! Yet once you come to realize that every action no matter how brief in life are part of our eternity! It a shame that so many of us are so wrapped up in the daily grind that we miss the more important elements! Our relationships with friends and relatives.

One day at some time in the future you will stop and reflect upon these minor occurrences. The truth is they were not just minor occurrences! These brief moments were the key to the social fabric of our life. These simple things which seemed to pass in the moment of out interaction with others, are far more than just a happening! They are the glue which holds our future and the past which becomes our Eternity! 

How do you treat these times in your life?

Do you just pass them off as minor or else make no real mental image of their occurrence?  

How we look at and respond to such events in our existence will be discussed in future posts - stop back as we develop a way to save an outline of our social engagements! 

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