Like a Mighty Wind
by Cliff Dudley Author · Mel Tari Author "When we believe the Bible as it is, we will see the power of God move in our lives and in our community as it did centuries ago in Bible times."
-Mel Tari
Translated into dozens of languages, with millions of copies sold, Like a Mighty Wind remains a beloved classic from global evangelist Mel Tari. Recounting the incredible story of revival on the island of Timor during 1965 in the midst of political turmoil, the book is an amazing testament to the power of faith and the reality of God's power to work miracles in modern times.

Miracles like these, performed in Biblical times, have often been written off for the 1970’s. But they are happening today (1971) as men, women and children simply believe God and act on His promises.
The place? Indonesia—a network of islands in the Pacific now in the midst of what may be the greatest revival of the 20th century.
The Indonesian Bible Society which tries to chart the results has found it impossible to keep up with the statistics. Churches in Central Java, for example, which reported 30,000 members in 1961 now number more than 100,000—almost doubling annually.
Revival began in the city of Soe on the island of Timor in the Lesser Sunda group and is continuing through the work of evangelistic teams.
One of the men who is going out is Melchoir Tari, better known as Mel, who was 18 when the revival started. Mel has now crisscrossed the United States and Europe, depending only on God to supply his needs. —Publisher's note, 1971
By 2005, the revival of those days had long since died out. There were however, still Christians in that part of the world who reported miraculous deliverance from the massive tsunami that hit that region.
Although the events related by Mel Tari happened over 30 years ago, they stand as a witness that God still works wonders — even in modern times.
The Spirit of God that swept across the island "like a mighty wind" continues today throughout Indonesia although persecution of Christians is all too common. The story of God's powerful revival in this region remains a testament to the truth of God's Word, and serves as a reminder to all believers that the Spirit of God manifests in our world now as it did in the earliest days of the Church.
Translated into dozens of languages, with millions of copies sold, Like a Mighty Wind remains a beloved classic from global evangelist Mel Tari. Recounting the incredible story of revival on the island of Timor during 1965 in the midst of political turmoil, the book is an amazing testament to the power of faith and the reality of God's power to work miracles in modern times.
Like a Mighty Wind
by Mel Tari, 1971
From the publisher’s notes:
Water turned into wine...Men raised from the dead...The
ability to eat poison and not be harmed; to walk across a river 30 feet
deep...Miracles like these, performed in Biblical times, have often been written off for the 1970’s. But they are happening today (1971) as men, women and children simply believe God and act on His promises.
The place? Indonesia—a network of islands in the Pacific now in the midst of what may be the greatest revival of the 20th century.
The Indonesian Bible Society which tries to chart the results has found it impossible to keep up with the statistics. Churches in Central Java, for example, which reported 30,000 members in 1961 now number more than 100,000—almost doubling annually.
Revival began in the city of Soe on the island of Timor in the Lesser Sunda group and is continuing through the work of evangelistic teams.
One of the men who is going out is Melchoir Tari, better known as Mel, who was 18 when the revival started. Mel has now crisscrossed the United States and Europe, depending only on God to supply his needs. —Publisher's note, 1971
By 2005, the revival of those days had long since died out. There were however, still Christians in that part of the world who reported miraculous deliverance from the massive tsunami that hit that region.
Although the events related by Mel Tari happened over 30 years ago, they stand as a witness that God still works wonders — even in modern times.
The Spirit of God that swept across the island "like a mighty wind" continues today throughout Indonesia although persecution of Christians is all too common. The story of God's powerful revival in this region remains a testament to the truth of God's Word, and serves as a reminder to all believers that the Spirit of God manifests in our world now as it did in the earliest days of the Church.
- New Leaf Publishing Group, Inc.
- Imprint:
- New Leaf Press
- Publication Date:
- 1997 Cliff Dudley (Author) Cliff Dudley
founded New Leaf Press, Inc. in 1975 after serving as sales manager at
Moody Press in the late 1960s and founding Creation House in 1971. He
had a very strong belief in the power of the printed page to move
people toward Christ..
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