Blog Archive

12 March 2014

Truth or other wise? part 1

Much of life is either Truth or falsehoods... But what is the truth?

** truth
1.) the true or actual state of a matter: He tried to find out the truth.
2.) conformity with fact or reality; verity: the truth of a statement.
3.) a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like: mathematical truths.
4.) the state or character of being true.
5.) actuality or actual existence.

Thus, 'truth' involves both the quality of "faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty, sincerity, veracity", and that of "agreement with fact or reality"

Therefore we can say that 'truth' involves both the quality of "faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty, sincerity, veracity", and that of "agreement with fact or reality" - Amen!

The most famous and well known phrase on truth is:
" Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free."  John 8:32

These words were spoken by the only perfect man to ever live upon the earth, and the greatest teacher the world has ever known - Joshua, Jesus, or Yeshua Hamashia over 2000 years ago!
This may be up for debate with some doubters, but never the less it is the Absolute Truth!


So how can you know the Truth?

** We will analyze this in steps and will require several posts to get a more complete picture!

First you must come to trust the person or party with whom you share a so called truth!

Then depending upon how those whom you  have trusted respond or act upon the truth that you share; the real  Absolute Truth will be apparent to all....  If you have paid any attention in life, it will be perfectly clear when and where the truth is or has existed!

Unfortunately many tend to present an aire of truth to either cover up some otherwise foul plans or things for personal gain! Just watch the News, or read history, or notice what is going on around you, and you will see the so called truth(s) dispelled by falsehoods and deceit! People will lie, cheat  and steal and do!

Why is this so?

  Mainly because most people are selfish - self centered or else they are completely sold out to the Devil...   Now many will stop reading here because the " Devil" was mentioned, yet no lie is better perpetrated upon someone that to get them to believe that the actual lie does not exist!  This has been the modus operandi of Satan " the father of lies" since the Garden of Eden!


So what we are going to do is show examples of when and where the truth is; then where it is not!

A basic truth each of us share is to the knowledge of our-self!  From the moment your were conceived; your person has been known to you! Now there are some who dispute this {plus many other things}; but in your heart of hearts - You know who you are! This can be debated at a later stage; for now we accept that you know yourself!

** Note:  There are several things that happen to people to steal or dilute their mental capacity and or understanding! These occurrences  are varied and in some way or another from the evil side of existence.  This is a completely different subject and will be discussed on a later set of posts...

- Starting with your understanding of yourself, you have an Absolute Truth!
 This does not infer that you know everything about yourself just the most important part of your awareness or state of being! Actually until you expire and get your complete awareness of your total being through the Will of God; you must live by Faith!

If you have continued to read, then you are honestly seeking the Truth, and know that you were crested a special person with a living eternal Soul.


Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God

​Many are aware that Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God.” But what does it mean? Why is it necessary? How can we fulfill this command?

As part of His famous Sermon on the Mount—one of the most extensive documentations of His preaching—Jesus addressed the common questions each of us faces in order to survive 
Addressing these questions, Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (verse 33, King James Version). In essence, Jesus was cautioning us not to worry about these human concerns and to instead place our greatest priority on seeking God’s Kingdom. (For more about the Kingdom, see the article “What Is the Kingdom of God?”)


This is one of the most important Absolute Truths! 

 Continued in part 2

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