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26 May 2010

Knowing God Part 9

Title: How can we know God! Part Nine
Post by: Kerminator on 25, May2010, 19:54 GMT

" Unless we become as a servant we will never be trained in the way of the Lord! " a True-ism

Consider that as long as the heir is a child, he or she does not differ in status from a slave / servant although one day they will become the owner of all things...

Because he or she while under guardians or managers; they are held in bondage under the elemental things of the earth, until the set time of their inheritance.

So it was with God the Father, who when the fullness of time came; sent His Only Begotten Son, born of woman, under the Law; in order that He might redeem those who were under the Law; to receive the adoption as heirs! Then they became joint heirs; because God had sent His Son into their hearts, crying "Abba! Father! Therefore you are no longer a slave, rather a son or daughter; then an heir through God... Gal4:1-7

Redeem - To buy back, recover or pay off... An absolute rescue or salvation!

Adoption - To become part of or inherit what ever the parent or adopter posses or has... The adoption by God is actually a conversion and a journey!

Slave - one under orders of a master... Learning to be submissive and obedient!

Heir - One who in due time gets or receives all (everything) from their Parent, Master or Lord!

God can only redeem those who choose to be redeemed; as they are lead by the Spirit of God!

To ever become part of the Kingdom of Heaven; you must surrender your self to the Authority and Will of Almighty God!

Anything else is totally unacceptable!

BTW: This is what sends people to Hell; not their sins; it is the failure to surrender and accept Christ as Lord in your life!

The thing we need to understand is that like in the story of the "Prodigal Son" is not about the son at all; it is actually about the Love of the Father!

What we so often fail to understand in our natural mind, because of our limited knowledge is the exact relationship of God to mankind!

It is all about His Love for us!

Oh, when will you come to understand that dear friend?

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