Blog Archive

01 May 2007

US Codex... The future of your health??

This is from: an other blog site I write... You must read unless you just like to be controlled by BIG Goverment and The Pharm Business...

But if you are interested in your future then go to either of the web sites shown in this blog...

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Send this to friends & foes... US Codex & FDA!!(Brain Boot Camp or Mindset Mastery Mentor)Date: 5/1/2007 10:03:09 .. viewed 41 times since posted on line

Why you need to go to TO learn about the future of your health...
Here is another chance to change your future and help preserve the health of those you love... Though this was printed for Georgia it applies to the entire USA. Territories & even the world!! HUH!!
BTW: You can go on line and find your Representatives; from your State or territory... Those in other countries can contact my web site @ and we will see that your views are expressed also!!

Your action is needed tell friends and foes alike... Lets Get this stopped!!
Sincerely ... Kermit

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