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20 July 2006

Things change!! DEEP THOUGHTS!!

What happens everyday?? Well every thing is in a vast cycle... There are what we call ups and downs, in and outs, over and under, just to mention a few ...

What we need to understand is that there is not any magic or reset button in life to just do it over again; if it does not turn out like we like it!! DUH!!

So get ready for the real world; you are fortunate if you have some nice things, a good job, a warm family, and many of the so called good things in life... But there is not any guarantee that you will have any of these tomorrow or the next day!! Well why try you ask or is this some sort of demented dream?? Not exactly; this is the absolute truth... Most people do not know or want to know the absolute truth!!

If you look at what is happening in the Middle East right, and what has happened recently with the Islam Terrorist groups, then you may begin to get the true picture of what can happen tomorrow or in the not too distance future...

There are people who only have one place for you that is dead or gone from the face of the earth!! Sorry to have to be so blunt; but that is exactly how some of these people feel about you!! Don't get all hysterical or go off the deep end with some weird actions... Just sit down and think what would you do if most everything you know or have was suddenly gone tomorrow??

This not to say that everyone will have a mass destruction tomorrow, but it is possible for some people... Some more than others, and the problem is we can not tell with much accuracy who, when or where... This is true of the governments, churches, and other groups in the world today... It is not that they do not want to know or be able to predict the future!! It is just impossible to know with any real certain knowledge exactly what will happen!! So we must think on this so if by some chance does happen to you; at least you have any idea about what kind of reaction to have...

This is not to point out any group or person; as to what will happen: it is just a primer as to what could happen and how we should attempt to react to any such emergency!! We should always try to have some even vague idea of how to respond to an abrupt change in your life... It has happened and will happen again to people...

This is an attempt to get you out of your rut, and thinking about what could happen... Most people have no idea; so they will be over whelmed and totally defeated, if when any such happens... This is an attempt to get you to at least consider and think about you could or would do; if and when something really drastic happens in your life!! HUH!!

So don't go cry in the corner; sit down and talk to friends, co-workers, family, or anyone as to what life is about and then think about the ultimate question we all must answer!! Where will you spend Eternity?? This is not a scare tactic, or some weird prank, this is part of being human and understanding what our state of being means!! You are you, and will exist some where for Eternity as a being!! Just try to get your mind around what you will do if and when some drastic event happens in your life!!

We can discuss this in more detail; this is just a brief brain boot camp drill!! How well you respond will determine how well you survive in the furture... See you on another blog about the Absolute Truth, Some Wisdom and Intercourse...

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Hope is in your future; so keep a positive attitude and be real with yourself... All that you have and see here will be gone in the flash of a second; the moment you are called or sent into Eternity!! Get ready!! You will take only your memories from this earthly existence!!
Your soul and spirit will go on into Eternity... You will be reunited with your body later... So think about your life; Friend!! This is the Absolute Truth!!


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