Blog Archive

28 October 2006

Things we do....

If you are not happy it may just be your attitude... HUH!!
Now I know that a lot of people will come back with "Oh you just do not know what I have to go through!!"
Well I may not know the exact events, but I am sure; after sixty some years, I have either seen, experienced or heard of just about every senereo possible... So before you go and try me, lets get one thing straight... You can be as happy or content as you allow yourself to be... This is a state of mind...
Life is about being the person GOD wants you to be!! Yes this requires you to think, and take certain actions that may not support those various world views and activists... But just stop and think where are these things going to be in the Eternity to come?? All the games, or gangs, or jobs, or houses, or trips, or, cloths, or money, or Dope, or any of the myriad of earthly items you can come up with will go with you into the "Here After".... HUH!!
So why are you so hell bent on pursuing things that will not every make any difference in the eons to come... This is where you attitude and realization of what is really important comes in... DUH!! Just maybe you need to sit down and rethink where you are or have been...
We will talk more about this later stop back by or go to my web site @

24 August 2006

The who what and why??

Many times in life, we are not sure who we are or where we belong!! This is an elusive question for many people...

" I don't think GOD cares where we graduated or what we did in life... GOD wants to know who we are!! Discovering this is the work of the soul - It is our true life's work!!" Bernie Siegel

I would say that our main goal in life is discovering our true self!! Many of us have spent years playing parts and acting out characters of someone else's imagination... Why when the real you is right there waiting to be let out and ready to live as YOU!! Stop fooling everyone including yourself... Time will tell and you only have to learn to be yourself... HUH!!

We can only be who we are, and no one else... DUH!! So now is the time to start becoming the person you were meant to be...

Start by looking at your life to decide who you really are!! You may want to go to my web site and/or read some of the newsletters and blogs [ Absolute Truth, Some Wisdom and Intercourse; blog by kerminator @ curezone ] ... I have complied a good deal of information on simplytruthblog here on also!!

If you need further help of want to discuss any related topic just reply...

See Ya.. Kermit

20 July 2006

Things change!! DEEP THOUGHTS!!

What happens everyday?? Well every thing is in a vast cycle... There are what we call ups and downs, in and outs, over and under, just to mention a few ...

What we need to understand is that there is not any magic or reset button in life to just do it over again; if it does not turn out like we like it!! DUH!!

So get ready for the real world; you are fortunate if you have some nice things, a good job, a warm family, and many of the so called good things in life... But there is not any guarantee that you will have any of these tomorrow or the next day!! Well why try you ask or is this some sort of demented dream?? Not exactly; this is the absolute truth... Most people do not know or want to know the absolute truth!!

If you look at what is happening in the Middle East right, and what has happened recently with the Islam Terrorist groups, then you may begin to get the true picture of what can happen tomorrow or in the not too distance future...

There are people who only have one place for you that is dead or gone from the face of the earth!! Sorry to have to be so blunt; but that is exactly how some of these people feel about you!! Don't get all hysterical or go off the deep end with some weird actions... Just sit down and think what would you do if most everything you know or have was suddenly gone tomorrow??

This not to say that everyone will have a mass destruction tomorrow, but it is possible for some people... Some more than others, and the problem is we can not tell with much accuracy who, when or where... This is true of the governments, churches, and other groups in the world today... It is not that they do not want to know or be able to predict the future!! It is just impossible to know with any real certain knowledge exactly what will happen!! So we must think on this so if by some chance does happen to you; at least you have any idea about what kind of reaction to have...

This is not to point out any group or person; as to what will happen: it is just a primer as to what could happen and how we should attempt to react to any such emergency!! We should always try to have some even vague idea of how to respond to an abrupt change in your life... It has happened and will happen again to people...

This is an attempt to get you out of your rut, and thinking about what could happen... Most people have no idea; so they will be over whelmed and totally defeated, if when any such happens... This is an attempt to get you to at least consider and think about you could or would do; if and when something really drastic happens in your life!! HUH!!

So don't go cry in the corner; sit down and talk to friends, co-workers, family, or anyone as to what life is about and then think about the ultimate question we all must answer!! Where will you spend Eternity?? This is not a scare tactic, or some weird prank, this is part of being human and understanding what our state of being means!! You are you, and will exist some where for Eternity as a being!! Just try to get your mind around what you will do if and when some drastic event happens in your life!!

We can discuss this in more detail; this is just a brief brain boot camp drill!! How well you respond will determine how well you survive in the furture... See you on another blog about the Absolute Truth, Some Wisdom and Intercourse...

Can check out some blogs and newsletter articles on

Hope is in your future; so keep a positive attitude and be real with yourself... All that you have and see here will be gone in the flash of a second; the moment you are called or sent into Eternity!! Get ready!! You will take only your memories from this earthly existence!!
Your soul and spirit will go on into Eternity... You will be reunited with your body later... So think about your life; Friend!! This is the Absolute Truth!!


26 June 2006

What an idea...

Sunday, 25 June, 2006 06:52:32 Subject: [Simply Truth] When life does not follow your plan...[] Some of us get the wrong idea about the way of life... We sometimes think that the real questions in life revolve around us alone... What a mistake... HUH!!

" The greater we think we are; the harder we fall upon hitting the wall of reality! " a Kermit-ism...

It has always baffled me as to how some people can come to be so high and mighty!! They breath the same air, drink the same water (generally) and put their pants on the same way; as every one else does... { Allow for some persons who do not wear pants; OK...}

The idea that some people get a " Big Head" as my dear Ole Grandmother used to say; really makes you wonder what kind of funny rope they have been smoking?? HUH!! This has been most of the main problem in the world; with one group always always being superior; or they tend to think so! They know better than everyone else what you should do for them... Do we sense something wrong with this picture?? Like you can do for them??

It all comes down to each one needs to look out for his side of the road and learn to help others... Not to be a " Big Boss Buddy" or self designated "Group leader"...
This is when you find that life does not follow your or anyone else's plan... It follows God's over all plan, which allows for each to make decisions that allow us the freedom to fail... Sorry about that but that is the truth, like it or not!!

Don't blame God; when you get a parking ticket, or back into someone's flower bed, or lose your favorite shirt, or get lost, or fall down the stairs... God has given each of us a free agency to make these day to day decisions... If not then we would be not more than just robots moving as directed... So start learning to be responsible for your decesions... Like it or not!!

So when your plans do not meet your expectations then you need to be able to bend with the wind so to speak and and adjust your stride to cope and move ahead!! DUH!! What an novel idea; HUH!! To actually think on your own, and then decide what you feel is best for you... Of course; in life there is not any guarantee; so plan for some adjustments and course corrections...

Just the opportunity to make your own life... Learn to live it friend...
See Ya... Kermit
--Posted by Kator to Simply Truth at 6/25/2006 10:32:05

15 June 2006

Wish I knew a way to make life simple??

This is a question we all would like to have answered for us...

It all comes down to what you get into in life... There are many areas of influence and activity out there:

Some are a necessary part of life like family and certain acquaints or friends... We all share life with somebody... We also have the home, employment, and certain social groups most of which we adjust to as required... This is really where we interact most in life...

Beyond these we have all the other spheres in life... Some of these will be only a passing moment, others will make a major mark on your life... It is here that we must learn to balance and direct our lives...

There are some:

1) Sports clubs, and actives...

2) Many of the world activies, like; ipods, music, Internet, TV, movies...

3) Hobbies and crafts...

4) All type of clubs and collective actives...

5) Then just the solo, activies...

It is here within all these different world activies that we must learn to adjust our time so that it is not squandered... We all just have our life time to accomplish the important things of life... So it is imperative that we make the necessary choices to make the best of our lives...

Don't get tied up in some of these life wasting actives... While some activies can be good or not necessary damaging; too much of some things is a waste of time... This is where you dear friend; must learn to balance your life, and live it as you choose... Don't let the ways of the world dictate your life for you...

Determine the when and where in your life; then you will be happy with the out come... a Kermit-ism

Only you are responsible for your life; so don't let others make the important choices in your life... DUH!!

04 May 2006

Just maybe....

Just maybe when, we meet the wrong people in life first; it is to make us appreciate meeting the right folks later...

There are not any ordinary people; just some more exceptional than others...

There are not any perfect people; just ones who try harder...

You can choose to be happy or sad; the decision is all yours...

Your mind is like a garden, that grows what ever you plant in it...

We seldom want to change our life until it becomes unbearable or we see a better path to take...

" The thoughts we choose to think are the tools, we use to paint the canvas of our lives..." Louise Hay

So decide which path you will take in this life... BTW; It is your life, friend...

There is more bad music in Jazz, and Rap than all other forms, because the audience doesn't really understand what is happening.... or maybe even the reason for the music at all...

If luck is a tenacity of purpose...
If ignorance is bliss...
Then why aren't more people jumping up and down for joy??

Adeu... Don't always just try to find fault; look for a remedy instead...

See Ya... Kermit

24 April 2006

Kermit April 2006

This will be the first here for some fine news, and interesting facts on life.... See Ya.... K

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