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31 January 2019

Today, whatsoever He says unto you, do it!

John 2:5, "His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do [it]."

JOHN 2:1-11

Mary knew Jesus as no one else did at this point. The Bible supplies no details of the childhood of Jesus except his trip to Jerusalem at twelve years of age, but it is certain that Mary knew Jesus was no ordinary man. Her request of Jesus to provide the guests with more wine reflects her belief that He could do things others could not
Her instructions to the servants were, "Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it." This shows that she not only knew Jesus could work miracles, but she knew His way of doing things did not always conform to conventional thought. Sure enough, Jesus told the servants to fill the pots with water and then take it to the governor of the feast.

This defied logic! Everyone there knew the guests wanted more wine, not water. Yet these servants, at Mary's bidding, did exactly what Jesus told them and the results were wonderful. This miracle would not have taken place if the servants had not done what seemed foolish to them.

The Lord's ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts 
(Isa. 55:8). To see His miraculous power in our lives, we must do "whatsoever" He tells us to do regardless of how foolish it may seem. 
The foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of men and the weakness of God is stronger than men (1 Cor. 1:25).

 So Today, whatsoever He says unto you, do it!

Financially unsustainable

**   Financially unsustainable
This post just goes to show where the Socilist Liberal party is driving the BUS!  Mainly off the cliff!
This will be the USA in a few short years - if we do not make America Great again! 

Read and weep!

From a post by Hal Bray, Special to California Political News and Views
My wife and I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. But like 46% of Bay area residents in a June 2018 Bay Area Council poll, we are considering leaving California. Arizona looks like our destination although many friends have already moved to Texas, Nevada, Idaho, and Tennessee.
 Simple. California’s Progressive culture and government has turned the state into a filthy, debt- ridden, congested third world country with high taxes, high crime, and the highest housing costs in the country.
Our little piece of bliss is a third world country, made up of a large, wealthy population (Hollywood and Silicon Valley tech giants), an enormous poor population, and a declining middle class that elected officials only view as a large, distributed human ATM machine from which they withdraw money for “sanctuary cities” (actually sanctuary everything, cities, universities, the State, etc.), social justice programs, suing the Trump administration, and “free” everything for everyone.

(The federal government has informed California this year, for example, that as it [California] tries to implement free health care for everyone, it illegally enrolled 400,000 people on Medicaid at a cost of $1 billion plus per year). According to the Census Bureau, California has the highest poverty rate in the country at 19%. And, according to the Department of Health and Human Services, California has 12% of the country’s population and 43% of its TANF (welfare). California spends $103 billion per year on welfare, more than the next two states combined (New York at $61.4 billion and Texas at $35.4 billion).

California has the one of the highest GINI, or inequality, ratio in the country. A GINI ratio measures the difference between the richest residents and its poorest residents. According to Chapman University’s Center for Demographics and Policy, the state’s inequality is worse than Mexico and equal to Guatemala and Honduras (ironically, where many of our new voters appear to be coming from).

San Francisco, proud to be what it thinks of itself as America’s most Progressive city, is a good surrogate for the state as a whole. The city has:— hundreds of complaints weekly (more than 1600 in one recent week) about human feces on the street, in parks, and in other public places; residents in the city, therefore, implemented a “POOP” or “Human Waste” Map, that tells visitors and residents which neighborhoods to avoid because of the overwhelming amount of human waste on the streets and other public places.

The city government is, in effect, turning the city into one large, outdoor illegal drug market. The city distributes more than 4.5 million hypodermic syringes and needles yearly to its growing horde of drug addicts; so many drug addicts clog the city’s commuter train (BART) stations.

But filth is not the city’s only issue. the FBI recently ranked San Francisco as the city with the highest crime rate in the country. For example, in 2017 the city’s residents were burdened with 32,000 car burglaries (residents put signs in their car windows begging people not to break their windows or steal anything from their cars).

The city of San Diego, adjacent to the Mexican border, is itself recovering from a Hepatitis A outbreak from human waste by washing its downtown streets nightly with bleach.
The State has the country’s highest income tax (and the highest capital gains tax in the WORLD), sales tax, gasoline tax, unemployment tax, and workers compensation tax. And, lucky us, we have the only Cap and Trade tax in the country, a secret “tax” administered by a State of California Corporation formed in Delaware.

Under the heading of criminal justice reform, the State has recently reduced many crimes in the State from felonies to misdemeanor status and released thousands of inmates from prison early. This August Governor Moonbeam (Jerry Brown) signed bail reform into law outlawing money bail. Combined, these new laws have added to both the crime problem and the homelessness problem.
Speaking of homelessness, since government began focusing on solving the problem, the state’s homeless population has doubled; it is like a homeless manufacturing and marketing plan. Five years ago, L.A.’s homeless population was 32,000; last year’s count was 57,000.

The average price of a home in California is 2.5 times higher than the price of homes in other states (Average price of a home in San Francisco and many surrounding suburbs is more than $1 million). This means owning a house is difficult, at best and the median homeowner property tax bill is 93% higher than the average for the other 49 states.

In the last election, 70 California cities raised their sales tax rates (primarily to pay for escalating pension costs for our failing pension systems). In addition repealing last year’s new gas and vehicle registration taxes in Proposition 6, will likely be defeated next week.

Reform Network ranks California as the second worst “Judicial Hellhole” in the Country. CEO magazine has ranked California the worst state in the Country to do business in for the 14th straight year.

California’s public schools are among the worst in the country. National tests place California students 44th (reading) and 46th (math) in the nation.

While private sector workers in the State (and Country) who retire this year with at least 30 years of full-time work will receive, on average, a Social Security pension of $15,800 ($38,000 maximum), State and most city workers in the CalPERS pension system will receive a pension of $70,000 (police and fire more than $100,000 at age 50).

Teachers in the State make, on average, $81,000 per year and retire at 60 with an average pension of $55,000 per year. Yet both pension systems (CalPERS and CalSTRS) are only 2/3 funded with unfunded liabilities of close to $1 trillion. Employer contributions (read taxpayer contributions) that are already unsustainably high are doubling over the next five years to try to keep the systems from bankruptcy.

TRIP, a Washington, D.C. nonprofit, reported this month that California is home to six of the 20 U.S. cities of 200,000 or more people with the highest percentage of their streets and roads whose pavement condition is rated in poor condition: No. 1 San Francisco; No. 2 San Jose; No. 3 Los Angeles; No. 12 Sacramento; No. 13 Riverside; No. 16 Fresno.

According to the Federal government, California’s Cost of living is 41% higher than the national average.

Kiplinger has ranked California the 3rd worst state, behind New York and New Jersey, to retire in. They clearly missed something because from where I live, we’re number one and as a result we are all moving.

Not to be all negative, the State and many cities in California have one BIG accomplishment for 2018: they have banned plastic straws. Yes, plastic straws. I guess they wanted to make sure there is enough plastic for the free hypodermic syringes they are giving out. And, oh, another big accomplishment, by golly, was banning all drinks for children meals in restaurants except water and milk. This may sound stupid, but we have all seen progressive parenting.

Maybe “Progressive” works when the progressive population is small and can be mostly ignored and/or tolerated by the population that pays the tab for it. But when its population becomes something closer in size to the mainstream population it is painful to live with and financially unsustainable.

** Summery: the failure of a socilist government to address the primary needs and conserns of the taxpaynig citizens. Which means the solid supportive citizens have been sold out to benefit certain none working and illeagle persons. This is the perfect example of a total control government.  This used to be called communism! 

29 January 2019

Aux yeux de Dieu

** Chacun de nous a la capacité et le temps d'atteindre et d'enseigner aux autres les principes moraux que nous avons appris et développés! Êtes-vous prêt à secouer votre monde?

Premièrement, cherchez le Royaume de Dieu et sa justice, toutes les autres choses vous seront ajoutées!

JEAN 1: 37-42

Andrew a été le premier disciple de Jésus à partager sa foi et à en amener un autre à Christ. Et regardez qui il a apporté.

Pierre est devenu l'un des plus grands apôtres de Jésus. Il a prêché le jour de la Pentecôte et a vu 3 000 nouveau-nés. Il a guéri un homme boiteux à la porte du temple et 5 000 d'entre eux sont nés de nouveau. Il a élevé Dorcas d'entre les morts, a introduit le christianisme chez les païens et a écrit deux livres de la Bible qui ont servi des millions de personnes au cours des siècles.

Pensez au nombre de millions de personnes que Peter a touchées et Andrew était responsable de tout. Les réalisations de Pierre, consignées dans les Écritures, sont bien plus nombreuses que celles d'Andrew. Pourtant, sans Andrew, Pierre n'aurait pas connu Jésus.

Aux yeux de Dieu, ce qu'Andrew a fait était tout aussi important que ce que Peter a fait. En tant que personne qui a présenté Pierre à Jésus, Andrew a participé à tous les exploits de Pierre. Le jour où nous recevrons nos récompenses du Seigneur, Andrew partagera toutes les récompenses que Peter recevra.

Très peu d'entre nous vont secouer notre monde comme Peter a fait le sien, mais nous sommes tous appelés à partager notre foi avec les autres comme Andrew l'a fait. Et qui sait? L'un de ceux que vous atteignez pourrait être le prochain Peter.

*** Orig post de

Each of us are called to share our faith with others

** Each of us has the ability and time to reach and teach others the moral principles which we have learned and developed! Are you ready to shake your world? 
First, seek the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness then all other things will be added unto you!

JOHN 1:37-42
Andrew was the first disciple of Jesus to share his faith and bring another to Christ. And look who it was that he brought.
Peter became one of the greatest apostles of Jesus. He preached on the day of Pentecost and saw 3,000 born again. He healed a lame man at the gate of the temple and 5,000 were born again as a result. He raised Dorcas from the dead, introduced Christianity to the Gentiles, and wrote two books of the Bible which have ministered to millions of people through the centuries.
Just think of how many millions of people Peter touched, and Andrew was responsible for it all. The accomplishments of Peter recorded in scripture, far outnumber those of Andrew, and yet without Andrew, Peter would not have known Jesus.
In the eyes of God, what Andrew did was just as important as what Peter did. As the one who introduced Peter to Jesus, Andrew had a part in every exploit of Peter. In the day when we receive our rewards from the Lord, Andrew will share in every reward that Peter receives.
Very few of us will shake our world as Peter did his, but all of us are called to share our faith with others as Andrew did. And who knows? One of those that you reach could be the next Peter.
***  Orig post from

27 January 2019

10,000 times bigger than the wall

This is 10,000 times bigger than the wall


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Please enjoy this edition of the Family Survival Evening Post, a completely free comprehensive survival and preparedness publication sent to give you the knowledge and skills you'll need to be always safe and secure no matter what happens.

This is the longest Government shutdown ever.
Really. They have never been closed this long.
Personally, I like the Government is shut down. I’m always hard-pressed to answer the question, what does the Government do well? With the doors closed, I at least know they’re not doing anything stupid with my money.
What I don’t like is the financial devastation of the 800,000 Government employees, not to mention millions of contractors who are now out of a job or forced to work without compensation.

Trump wants $5 billion to build the border wall between the United States and Mexico. Congress refuses to fund it. Both sides are digging their heels in. Plain and simple.

$5 billion is a lot of money to you and me, and it really should be a lot of money to the Government, but…..
But they, the Government, are almost $22 trillion in debt as it is. They add another trillion each year.

In other words, this disagreement is over a Government expenditure which equals .02% of our national debt.
Don’t they have bigger problems?

Tens of millions of Americans are relying on Social Security for their retirement, and it’s currently underfunded by $50 trillion according to the Government’s own estimates. That’s (no exaggeration here) 10,000 times larger than the border wall fight.

Do they shut down the Government to solve THAT problem?
Granted, it seems ridiculous to think Congress cares about the American people since they clearly don’t even care about their own employees. They’ve put millions of people out of work now over a comparably negotiable sum.
The nerve of the politicians getting on their high horse and faking moral superiority.

I hate the Government and their flagrant spending. They clearly have no respect for taxpayers or they would squeeze every penny. If they had any respect for their own workers, they wouldn’t let $5 billion stop millions of paychecks these people depend on to pay their rent.

Don’t fool yourself, this shutdown isn’t even about money. It’s a fight of ideas.

The truth is, they are building a wall, brick by brick. Each member of Congress, each politician is helping. But it’s not what you think….

Behind this wall, this dummy crisis is the real catastrophe.
The national debt is 4,400 bigger than the wall.

The Social Security crisis is 10,000 bigger than the wall.
The Government would love for you to be fooled by this fake problem, but remember, if you rely on them for anything, they have no problem throwing you or anyone else under the bus to further their own agenda.

Always Safe, Always Prepared

Frank Mitchell

10 Things Grandchildren Need to Hear

08 NOVEMBER 2018

10 Things Grandchildren Need to Hear

Excellent article on the 10 Things Grandchildren Needs to Hear! 
if this happened in all the homes in the world  - things would become a source of what is True, Nobel, Just, Pure, and Lovely.  Plus consideration of people as to their Good Reports and whatever was Praiseworthy - there would be greater joy and prosperity - with less crime or evil actions taking place!   Grand patents can help to mold the younger generations to be more responsive to need and help in the world and less to the self-centeredness and greed we see prevalent today!

10 Things Grandchildren Need to Hear

  • Rhonda StoppeSpeaker and Author
10 Things Grandchildren Need to Hear
“For this reason, I will not be negligent to remind you always of these things…
 (2 Peter 1:12)
Last week all our children were home along with their spouses and our eight grandchildren. We live on a ranch in the mountains so coming home to visit Gramma and Papa is filled with lots of adventures and feeding the animals.
Getting older brings a clarity to what’s important. While we want our grandkids to remember their times on Papa’s farm, we want to leave them with a godly legacy. With this goal in mind, let’s look at 10 things every grandparent should tell their grandchildren. 
Photo courtesy: ©Thinkstock/YakobchukOlena
1. I'm so glad God made you.


Our grandkids are growing up in a world that does not acknowledge God as their Creator, so it’s vital that parents and grandparents regularly remind them how God carefully designed them in their mother’s womb. 
Along with knowing God made them, kids need to believe that people important to them are happy they are alive. Too many children struggle with feelings of inadequacy and loneliness. Some act out, some recluse, but few will say, “Hey, when you're too busy to play with me, read to me, or tuck me in at night, I feel like I don’t matter.” 
Photo courtesy: ©Thinkstock/John Howard
2. I will always listen to you.


If you want to have the privilege of speaking truth to your grandkids, you have to earn that honor by being a good listener. Too many grandparents spend little time in conversations with their grandchildren until they see them making mistakes or choosing a wrong path. If the only time you engage with your grandchild is to correct them or point out what you don’t like about their attitude or attire, don’t be surprised if they’re not interested in listening to your wisdom when they become adolescents or young adults.
Photo courtesy: ©Thinkstock/monkeybusinessimages
3. You are precious.


Jesus Loves the Little Children is the song at the top of my 3-year-old granddaughter’s request list whenever she gets tucked into bed at night. I often bend over and kiss her forehead as I sing, “Red, brown, yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight” to show her how precious she really is to Jesus and to me.
Kids long to believe they are precious. And while God puts in the heart of every person a longing to find their worth in being loved deeply by their Creator, He has also created us to love and be loved by others. The more valued your grandchild feels by you and your family, the more they will be empowered not to seek affirmation by their peers by succumbing to peer pressure.
Photo courtesy: ©Thinkstock/Ingram Publishing
4. God loves you.


It may seem logical to teach kids about Christianity by telling them what the Bible says they should and should not do. And it is right to train them to honor and obey God’s commands. But if we focus only on the list of dos and don’ts, we miss the wonderful opportunity to introduce our grandchildren to the depth of Jesus’ great love for them.  
Kids learn best how they are loved when it is demonstrated to them through loving actions. Saying “I love you” without showing love can feel like empty words to a child––or anyone really. In the same way, God, who is the perfect loving Father, displayed the depth of His love by sending his only Son whose sacrifice would pay the price for our sin. Reminding your grandchild of how God lovingly offers new life in Christ to anyone who would turn from their sin to follow Jesus is a great way to help them realize how great the Father's love is for them. 
The Bible offers many reminders of God’s display of adoration for us. You would be wise to memorize some of these verses and regularly share them with your grandchild:
  1. “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us that we should be called children of God.” (1 John 3:1)
  2. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
  3. “But God demonstrates His own love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)
Photo courtesy: ©Thinkstock/Sasiistock
5. God has a plan for your life.


From the time kids are little, people begin to ask them what they want to be when they grow up. Some children have a definite plan, like our oldest son who dreamt from a young age of being a fighter pilot in the Air Force. He grew up and did just that. But for most kids, their goals change daily––and that’s okay. But deep in their little minds, and this grows more intense as they reach adulthood, your grandchildren give a lot of thought to what they should do with their lives.
 My husband often told our kids, and now our grandkids, “I don’t care what you grow up to do for a living as long as you are serving Christ.” When people would inquire, teaching them to respond by saying, “I’m gonna do whatever God wants me to do,” took a lot of pressure off of our kids. When our younger son made the decision to study music in college, he was met with a number of negative comments from men who challenged the wisdom of his decision. Saying things like, “You can’t support a family on a worship leader’s salary.” 
These comments were meant in kindness but really threw off our son, Brandon. We would remind him how we trusted his decision because he was walking in a close walk with Christ and seeking the Lord for His wisdom and discernment. In the end, Brandon studied music and biblical studies in college. After graduation, he toured with some well known 
Christian bands and then after he married, he was hired to lead worship at a church in Southern California. God has blessed Brandon’s decision as a young man to follow the leading of the Spirit, rather than succumb to fear and follow the “more reasonable career path” others thought he should have taken.*
I share this story to remind you of the power of your words as a grandparent. You can pour courage into your grandkids to follow God’s plan for their lives if you remind them of how God saved them unto good works that He has ordained in advance (see Ephesians 2:8-10). Exposing your grandkids to Bible stories and good biographies of people who wholeheartedly followed Christ is a great way to inspire them to trust that God has a plan for their lives too.
Photo courtesy: ©Thinkstock/monkeybusinessimages
6. Loving God is the secret to loving others.


Loving others selflessly does not come naturally. Just spending an afternoon watching your grandkids take each other’s toys confirms this truth. But there is a way to train your grandkids to love others in a way that is truly selfless. 
When the religious leaders asked Jesus what was the priority of life His response was, “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.”And then He said the second commandment was to love others as we love ourselves (see Mark 12:30-31). All too often we attempt to love others without first growing the depth of our love for God. When this happens loving others is usually a difficult task. 
But when people first determine to spend the rest of their lives discovering God’s character as revealed in Scripture, their trust and love for Him will grow as they learn His ways. The more deeply you love God, the more freely His selfless love will spill out of your heart and onto those around you––even on those who are difficult to love. And don’t you want this to be the example of love your kids learn from you their grandparent?
Jesus said, “The student will become like his teacher” (Luke 6:40). Your grandchildren will learn to love by how they observe you loving others––not by how you tell them they should be treating people. You will bless your grandchildren if you teach them the secret to loving others deeply is not found in how well they measure up to your expectations, but in how well they love God. And let it begin with you.
Photo courtesy: ©Thinkstock/DAJ
7. Be quick to forgive.


Learning to quickly forgive others and to think well of them are valuable lessons to teach your grandchild. It is in our sinful nature to hold onto grudges and to assign wrong motives to people’s actions. But by God’s grace and the Spirit’s power, we can break free of these unpleasant sinful practices to become a person who is ready to forgive––and looks for the best in others. 
Wouldn’t you agree that the best friendships are with those who you trust to believe the best about you? Helping your grandchild discover this valuable secret will equip them to become someone others will not only like to be around but also trust to be a loyal friend.
Photo courtesy: ©Thinkstock/Purestock
8. Be content.


1 Timothy 6:6 says, “Godliness with contentment is a great gain.” In a generation where your grandkids will be influenced to believe they’re entitled to more of whatever their little hearts desire, training them this valuable secret of contentment will do more to equip them for a happy life than all the gifts you might lavish upon them. 
Trust me, I’m a grandparent who loves to pile gifts on my grandkids. But a wise grandparent will balance generosity with training them to be grateful for what they have. Ask God for His wisdom to help you guide them in godliness and contentment––beginning with your own example.
Photo courtesy: ©Thinkstock/monkeybusinessimages
9. I'm praying for you.


When I was a young girl, I’d awaken each morning to the smell of coffee. As I dragged my sleepy self out of bed, I’d walk past the living room where I’d see my father on his knees praying for our family. (To this day the smell of coffee brings a warm reminder of those mornings.) I cannot tell you the security I felt knowing my daddy was daily interceding before God on our behalf. I learned from his example the power of prayer. So naturally when I had children, praying for them became a regular practice.
These days my children are grown, married, and have kids of their own. My father continues to pray for my kids, their spouses, and their children. My eldest daughter recently said, “Mom, Papa’s prayers are precious to me. I love knowing that he and Oma are daily praying for me and my family.” One of the most powerful legacies you can leave your grandkids is training them by example the importance of prayer. 
Photo courtesy: ©Thinkstock/Halfpoint
10. Tell others about the hope of Jesus.


Do your grandkids hear you complaining about how the world’s going to hell in a handbasket? 
Or do they sense your burden for the lost who are blinded by the enemy? It’s easy to point out what’s wrong in the world today––and we should help our grandkids learn to discern right from wrong. But couple those comments with your deep sorrow over the lost. And how their only hope for salvation is if we tell them God loves them so much He sent His Son to save them from their sin.
In this way you’ll train them not to grow overwhelmed with anxiety, but rather to ask God to use them as a light shining like a star in a crooked and perverse generation (Daniel 12:3Philippians 2:15). For in this, your grandchildren will find purpose in life and hope for the future. And I promise you won’t regret it!
Rhonda Stoppe is the NO REGRETS WOMAN with more than 30 years experience of helping women build - a no regrets lives. Rhonda is the author of six books and appears on numerous radio programs including FamilyTalk, Focus on the Family, Family Life Today and hosts The No Regrets Hour. She speaks at women’s events, Pastor’s Wives Conferences, MOPs, and homeschool conventions. Rhonda ministers alongside her husband Steve, who pastors First Baptist Church of Patterson, California. They live out their own Real Life Romance writing books and speaking at their No Regrets Marriage Conferences, but their favorite ministry is their family. To learn more about Rhonda’s speaking topics, watch her teaching, and to book Rhonda for your next event visit
Photo courtesy: ©Thinkstock/monkeybusinessimages



MT. 4:1-11; MK. 1:12-13; LK. 4:1-13
The wording of this verse implies that Satan exhausted his arsenal of temptations on Jesus and then had to leave.
We have mistakenly given Satan too much credit. He does not have a limitless number of temptations that he can pull on us. As 1 Jn. 2:16 says, there are three areas where the devil tempts us: 
(1) the lust of the flesh, 
(2) the lust of the eyes, and 
(3) The pride of life.
 Jesus' three temptations correspond to these.
By ascribing to Satan limitless temptations and abilities, we have built up our adversary to be bigger than he is. 
The truth is,  13 No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to [a]bear it.   1 Cor 10:13 NKJV


  1. 1 Corinthians 10:13 Endure
Satan would have you to think that he is more significant than he really is. 
One of his greatest weapons is intimidation, but he has been defeated. His teeth have been pulled. Now he can only roar like a lion seeking to devour uninformed souls who don't know their authority in Christ (1 Pet. 5:8).
Today, realize that whatever Satan is fighting you with is only temporary. Don't quit. In due season you will reap if you faint not (Gal. 6:9).
Don't give in to the false promises of Satan and all those who follow him!
Many people live miserable lives because they do not seek the truth and /or they are following most of the world's falsehoods.  Prayer and absolute Faith are the actual keys to a Blessed and Santafied life dear friend!
So why follow and wallow in self-pity when the Gospel Truth is free and available to all persons?

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