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14 October 2014

one hope remains: His name is Jesus.

Today's Tea Party Movement: A Flash in the Pan?

-Rocky Top Freedom 7/3/2013- Analysis During America's 237th Birthday...

It's been said that the modern day Tea Party movement is America's Great Awakening. 

We beg to differ.

While RTFC supports many of the same tenets of Constitutionally-based smaller government and the restoration of the original American Republic of independent and sovereign states sharing the burden of the bulk of America's governing power, we are convinced that today's Tea Party is destined for failure.

As evidenced by the re-election of Barack Hussein Obama, it's becoming increasingly clear that any gains realized in the midterm elections of 2010 have not only been erased, but we believe liberty has taken two steps backward for each step forward.

What's the problem? Witness if you will our U.S. Declaration of Independence, which outlines the following three basic rights granted all human beings by Nature's God:

1. The right to LIFE
2. The right to LIBERTY
3. The right to THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS (i.e. freedom of self-sufficiency) 

These rights are un-alienable (which means they cannot be bought, sold, transferred or abridged.)

We believe that Un-Alienable Right #1, "LIFE" is unquestionably the most basic right of all. Clearly without life the other two are moot and meaningless. 

The vast majority of Tea Party leaders, when confronted with their stance on the issue of the sanctity of human life might respond with something like, "Abortion is not our agenda." What these leaders really mean is, "We don't want to get involved in controversial social issues because we might make our members mad!" Heaven forbid they actually stand for something other than "money" issues and embrace something truly meaningful!

Rational people understand that complex problems are solvable only when their root causes are addressed, and as long as the assault on the irrevocable and foundational God-given right to live and breathe is not on the Tea Party's radar, enemies of freedom will continue to prosper. 

It is therefore RTFC's contention that because of its focus on symptoms rather than taking action on their associated root causes, the Tea Party movement will continue to suffer setbacks in the future and will ultimately fail. 

The solution of course is to embrace the pro-life movement (as we believe many of America's Founders would do were they alive today) but we don't foresee that happening anytime soon. As with virtually all Christian churches, Tea Parties have willingly bound themselves with what effectively is a gag order under the watchful eye of the IRS in the interest of receiving paltry tax exemptions, effectively rendering themselves impotent and ineffective against the tyrannical onslaught of the armies of darkness.

While our freedoms continue to wane under America's current leadership, RTFC fully expects the Tea Party movement to continue to fade, falter and slide into non-relevance. 

But one hope remains: His name is Jesus. 

Understand that there truly are no political solutions to America's spiritual problems; for this reason we all need to remain on our knees in prayer and cry out to God, for without His Blessings the sinking ship called America will also find itself non-relevant. 

Or worse...

05 October 2014

What is so mind boggling?

This is from - Part of an excellent Book

Read and weep...

The successful implementation of this new philosophy of education will spell the end of the
American dream of individual freedom and opportunity. The government will plan your life
for you, and unless you comply with government restrictions and regulations your ability to
pursue a career of your own choice will be severely limited.

What is so mind boggling is that all of this is being financed by the American people
themselves through their own taxes. In other words, the American people are underwriting
the destruction of their own freedom and way of life by lavishly financing through federal
grants the very social scientists who are undermining our national sovereignty and preparing
our children to become the dumbed-down vassals of the new world order. It reminds one of
how the Nazis charged their victims train fare to their own doom.
One of the interesting insights revealed by these documents is how the social engineers
use a deliberately created education “crisis” to move their agenda forward by offering radical
reforms that are sold to the public as fixing the crisis—which they never do. The new reforms
simply set the stage for the next crisis, which provides the pretext for the next move forward.
This is the dialectical process at work, a process our behavioral engineers have learned to
use very effectively. Its success depends on the ability of the “change agents” to continually
deceive the public which tends to believe anything the experts tell them.
And so, our children continue to be at risk in America’s schools. They are at risk
academically because of such programs as whole language, mastery learning, direct
instruction, Skinnerian operant conditioning, all of which have created huge learning
problems that inevitably lead to what is commonly known as Attention Deficit Disorder
and the drugging of four million children with the powerful drug Ritalin. Mrs. Iserbyt has
dealt extensively with the root causes of immorality in our society and the role of the public
schools in the teaching of moral relativism (no right/no wrong ethics). She raises a red flag
regarding the current efforts of left-wing liberals and right-wing conservatives (radical center)
to come up with a new kid on the block—“common ground” character education—which
will, under the microscope, turn out to be the same warmed-over values education
alert parent groups have resisted for over fifty years. This is a perfect example of the
Hegelian Dialectic at work.
The reader will find in this book a plethora of information that will leave no doubt in
the mind of the serious researcher exactly where the American education system is headed.
If we wish to stop this juggernaut toward a socialist-fascist system, then we must restore
educational freedom to America. Americans forget that the present government education
system started as a Prussian import in the 1840’s–’50’s. It was a system built on Hegel’s belief
that the state was “God” walking on earth. The only way to restore educational freedom,
and put education back into the hands of parents where it belongs, is to get the federal
government, with its coercive policies, out of education. The billions of dollars being spent by
the federal government to destroy educational freedom must be halted, and that can only be
done by getting American legislators to understand that the American people want to remain a
free people, in charge of their own lives and the education of their children.

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