Blog Archive

11 September 2011

The real Purpose of your life!

The whole purpose of our life is to Praise God!

When God is revealing bits and pieces of your purpose through the seasons of your life, remember that even if He has told you how you will ultimately serve Him, it doesn’t mean that the fulfillment of your purpose will happen in a straight line.   Instead, you might feel like you are going in circles, like you are wandering. Yet  this is OK.   God won’t waste any of your experiences (Romans 8:28). And even if some of your “circles” seem unrelated to God’s calling, He will weave them in to His purpose for your life. Rest assured, He is still in control and will perfect that which concerns you (Psalm 138:8).

My personal experience has shown me that God is more than able to lead you into your purpose; without your help!  He is able to guide you exactly where you need to be; your job is to remain open to what He wants to do through you while you wander and wait.

1) learn to adore God in spirit and in truth means to adore Him as we should.   Because God is a Spirit, we must worship Him in spirit.   That is to say we need to worship Him with a humble, sincere love that comes from the depth and center of our souls!    Only God can see this adoration, yet we must repeat this until it becomes part of our nature!     It will be as if God is one with our soul and our soul is one with God!

2) Come to adore God in Truth is to recognize Him for what He is and then ourselves for what we are...   Adoring God in Truth means that our hearts actually see God as infinitely perfect and worthy of our praise.  What man, no matter how little sense he may have, would not exert all his strength to show his and love of this great God?

3) To adore God in Truth is to admit that our nature is just the opposite of His.  Yet, He is willing to make to make us like Him, if we desire it.  Who would be so rash as to neglect, even for a moment, the respect, love, service and the continual adoration that we owe Him?

{ Each person's destiny is to Glorify God then to enjoy Him forever! }

04 September 2011

More isn't always necessary!

More isn’t enough!

Saturday 3 rd September , 2011
By kerminator

If we look at where most of the worlds, problems and grief come from, one emotion would be paramount; the want for more!   It drives business, advertising, government,  sports, politics, and even our everyday life!

The desire for improvement is built into our physic-nature by God when we were born…  It was designed to allow us to seek better things in our life!  The problem comes when we become Greedy and driven by the desires to have even More!

This all started Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden;  when they listened to the Devil, tell them that what they needed was more, and they fell for it!    But more what?

What could the Devil promise them or get for them? They lived in Paradise, perfect weather, no storms, just right temperature, food available for the taking as much as they wanted…   Did not have to worry about cloths or shoes, or money, or riches, or houses, or any of the stuff we worry about or deal with!  There were not any of those things that impact our life today!

They did not have sin to deal with, because there was no one to commit sexual sin with, or to steal from, or to gossip about!  There was no disease, or natural catastrophe!     i.e. they had everything they needed!

So how did the Devil temp them into wanting more?

With a lie!  All the Devil could offer was the lie that they needed to disobey God and  eat from the “Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil”  There was this desire for more when they actually had everything needed for a perfect life…   They existed in almost a state of innocence as children, yet they had the ability and freedom to choose!

They were offered more!  They were told that to eat of the tree, would not cause death {a major lie} and they would be like unto God, with knowledge of right and wrong!  What they did not realize was that what they were far better off before they  before eating the apple  or the disobedience to God!

Thus by believing a lie from Satan {the Father of lies} they entered into this present human existence full of woes!  All of this happened because of the choice to believe a lie and seek gain more!

This has been the story of humanity throughout history, the drive to get more…  Greed!     Which causes people when left without any boundaries or limits  toward wars, disease, suffering, pain, grief and countless misery!

All because of the desire for more without any consideration for the consequences!  More is not enough! Find The Faith of God in your life!

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