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16 May 2009

Wisdom learned!

Some Wisdom Learned!
« on: April 02, 2009, 03:34:52 GMT »

It is sad that we pass time on this earth and seldom learn what is expected of us... It appears from my over fifty years of observation; that many things here are cyclic and many are just part of the same system!

This life is much more than just finding things to make you happy! DUH!

If you really do not understand that then we need to talk! Reply or email me!

Lets look at what some of your goals should really be... HUH!

1) Your life like all things on this earth will come to pass...

2) While you waste most of your time in futile persuits, the Eternity rolls on!

3) If you ever get to the point when you seek the real reason for your life; stop pray and listen!

4) No matter what or how much you pile up in this earthly life; only your memories go with you, make them good!

5) Most things on this earth are here to assist or help us to become the best person (spirit) we can become!

6) If you have left God out of your life or have just ignored Him; you still have time to repent and seek Him!!

All of this is not a scare tactic; rather it is the explanation of the Absolute Truth as I have been led to believe...

Remember there is a Kingdom beyond sight of this worldly existance; have you acquired the desire to serve and enter there in?

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